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Pattenden J.  2023.  Progressive politics and populism: Classes of labour and rural–urban political sociology—An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Agrarian Change. 23(1):3-21.
Independent_Evaluation_Group(IEG).  2013.  Project Performance Assessment Report: Lao People’s Democratic Republic Second Land Titling Project. :i-xii,1-48.
Sikor T, Sidel M, Tai H-THo.  2012.  Property, State and Society in Vietnam. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 10(10):5.
Cole R.  2022.  Prospects and limitations of ‘Responsible Agricultural Investment’ for governing transboundary agri-food systems in Mekong Southeast Asia: Implications for upland maize in the Lao-Vietnamese borderlands. Environmental Policy and Governance. 32(4):362-373.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2022.  The Prospects for Sustainable Rubber in the Mekong Region: An Assessment of Emerging Initiatives. (Thematic Study No.14):1-36.
Lau Y.  2021.  Protecting the mountainous catchment area of the Kuang Si Waterfall, Lao PDR. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. :1-17.
Young S.  2019.  Protests, Regulations, and Environmental Accountability in Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):33-54.
Zurcher S.  2005.  Public participation in community forest policy in Thailand: The influence of academics as brokers. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography. 105(1):77-88.
World_Bank _, Livelihoods_and_Food_Security_Trust_Fund(LIFT), Enlightened_Myanmar_Research(EMR).  2014.  Qualitative Social and Economic Monitoring: Round Four Report. :i-v,1-84.
Ironside J.  2017.  The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Lao PDR. (October):i-vi,1-58.
Andersen KEwers.  2016.  The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Myanmar. :i-v1,1-33.
Ironside J.  2017.  The Recognition of Customary Tenure in Vietnam. :i-vi,1-54.
Biddulph R.  2012.  REDD and Poverty in Cambodia. :i-iv,1-38.
Faxon H, Furlong R, Phyu MSabe.  2015.  Reinvigorating resilience: violence against women, land rights, and the women's peace movement in Myanmar. Gender and Development. 23(3):463-479.
Subedi SP.  2012.  Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia ADDENDUM: A human rights analysis of economic and other land concessions in Cambodia. (A/HRC/21/63/Add.1/Rev.1 (October)):1-130.
Golay C.  2019.  Research Brief: The Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. :1-10.
Hall R, Edelman M, Borras_Jr. SM, Scoones I, White B, Wolford W.  2015.  Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’ The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):467-488.
Baird IG.  2017.  Resistance and Contingent Contestations to Large-Scale Land Concessions in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia. Land. 6(16):1-19.
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Hing S, Riggs R.  2021.  Re-thinking benefits of community protected areas in Mondulkiri, Cambodia. Trees, Forests and People. 6:1-11.
Phuc_To _, Dressler W.  2019.  Rethinking 'Success’: The politics of payment for forest ecosystem services in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 81:582-593.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO).  2021.  Right to Relief: Indebted land communities speak out. :i-iv,1-38.
Sims K.  2021.  Risk navigation for Thinking and Working Politically: The work and disappearance of Sombath Somphone. Development Policy Review. 39(4):604-620.
McAllister KE.  2015.  Rubber, rights and resistance: the evolution of local struggles against a Chinese rubber concession in Northern Laos. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):817-837.
Schoenberger L, Beban A.  2020.  Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):301-312.
