Land issues in Vietnam 2006–14: Markets, property rights, and investment

TitleLand issues in Vietnam 2006–14: Markets, property rights, and investment
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsMarkussen T
Secondary TitleUNU-WIDER Working Paper
Paginationi-ii, 1-22
Key themesAgriculturalModernization, Distribution, Formalisation-titling

This paper uses five waves of the Vietnam Access to Resources Household Survey (VARHS) to analyse land issues in Viet Nam from a number of different angles. The VARHS provides panel data at plot as well as household level and I use this rich data set to present descriptive results on landlessness, land fragmentation, land market activities, and land property rights. I use plot level, fixed effects regressions to investigate the effects of land titles (Land Use Certificates) on household investment. Results show that land titling has a strong and statistically significant effect on household investment in irrigation, although this effect is only present in upland areas.


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Working Paper