Myanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development

TitleMyanmar: Land Tenure Issues and the Impact on Rural Development
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSrinivas S, Hlaing U_S
Paginationi-xvii, 1-112
Key themesAccessToJustice, CivilSociety-Donors, Dispossession-grabbing, Distribution, FDI, Formalisation-titling, Policy-law, Urban

ABSTRACTED FROM THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Myanmar’s agricultural sector has for long suffered due to multiplicity of laws and regulations, deficient and degraded infrastructure, poor policies and planning, a chronic lack of credit, and an absence of tenure security for cultivators. These woes negate Myanmar’s bountiful natural endowments and immense agricultural potential, pushing its rural populace towards dire poverty. This review hopes to contribute to the ongoing debate on land issues in Myanmar. It focuses on land tenure issues vis-à-vis rural development and farming communities since reforms in this sector could have a significant impact on farmer innovation and investment in agriculture and livelihood sustainability. Its premise is that land and property rights cannot be understood solely as an administrative or procedural issue, but should be considered part of broader historical, economic, social, and cultural dimensions.


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