Displaced and Dispossessed: Conflict-affected communities and their land of origin in Kachin State, Myanmar

TitleDisplaced and Dispossessed: Conflict-affected communities and their land of origin in Kachin State, Myanmar
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2018
Key themesDispossession-grabbing, Formalisation-titling, MarginalisedPeople

People displaced by conflict (IDPs) in Myanmar’s Kachin State want to return to their land, yet it is being appropriated unfairly. Legal or administrative procedures are undermining IDP rights, ignoring the exceptional circumstances of displacement. Restrictions on movement are making the situation worse. Action is required to resolve the lack of clarity over IDP land rights and to ensure equitable remedy is available where land has been unfairly acquired. This report is produced by The Durable Peace Programme (DPP), an EU-funded consortium of seven international and local organizations supporting peace, reconciliation, rehabilitation and development in Kachin State since 2015.

URLhttps://oi-files-cng-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/myanmar.oxfam.org/s3fs-public/file_attachments/Displaced and Dispossessed-IDP Land in Kachin.pdf

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