Built on Solid Foundations? Assessing the Links between City-Scale Land Titling, Tenure Security and Housing Investment

TitleBuilt on Solid Foundations? Assessing the Links between City-Scale Land Titling, Tenure Security and Housing Investment
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsFlower BCR
Secondary TitlePlanning Theory and Practice
Key themesFormalisation-titling, MarginalisedPeople, Urban

This paper interrogates the links between city-scale land titling, tenure security and housing investment, using a case study of the donor-funded Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP) in Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh. It finds that LMAP activities centred on titling in planned residential areas with ‘informal’ tenure, despite residents exhibiting strong pre-titling tenure security and substantial housing investments. In contrast, ‘informal’ self-built settlements with high tenure insecurity and low levels of investment were excluded from project activities. Resultantly, the project did not increase tenure security and investment for the most vulnerable urban dwellers. The paper discusses the reasons for the project’s shortcomings, revealing policy implications for city-scale titling projects, and speaking to wider academic debates on titling in urban areas.


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Document Type

Journal Article