Legal guide on land consolidation: Based on regulatory practices in Europe

TitleLegal guide on land consolidation: Based on regulatory practices in Europe
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsVeršinskas T, Vidar M, Hartvigsen M, Arsova KMitic, Van_Holst F, Gorgan M
Secondary TitleLegal guide on land consolidation
Paginationi-xvi, 1-176
Place PublishedRome
Key themesDistribution, Formalisation-titling, Policy-law

ABSTRACTED FROM FOREWORD: This publication aims to provide detailed guidance on legislative issues regarding land consolidation in ways that align with the VGGT and international human rights law. It focuses on land consolidation in rural areas and is based on FAO experience as well as on regional good land consolidation legislative practices in Europe, primarily on analysis of the regulatory practices in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Serbia, Spain (Galicia) and Turkey. It also uses as a source of information, some of the land consolidation regulatory practices in other European countries. This legal guide mainly targets countries that have not yet developed a specific legal framework for land consolidation, and countries where land consolidation instruments have a short history, or are in the initial phase of development. It also encourages the exchange of good practices between countries with ongoing national land consolidation programmes. Countries with developed land consolidation legal frameworks can also use this guide to strengthen or streamline such frameworks. Thus, the guide may be useful to any country wishing to introduce or reform its land consolidation legislation, independent of general level of development or wealth. This legal guide aims primarily to support countries that have not yet established a legal framework for land consolidation and those in the early stages of such development. However, it can also be useful to reform and strengthen legal frameworks in countries with land consolidation experience, independent of their level of development or wealth.


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