Securing Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers. The Secure Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) Project Experience in Laos, the Philippines, and Uganda

TitleSecuring Land Rights of Smallholder Farmers. The Secure Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) Project Experience in Laos, the Philippines, and Uganda
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAsian_NGO_Coalition_for_Agrarian_Reform_and_Rural_Development(ANGOC), Global_Land_Tool_Network(GLTN), United_Nations_Human_Settlements_Programme(UN-H), Makerere_University_School_of_the_Built_Environment(MAK-SBE), Uganda_Community_Based_Association_for_Women_and_Children’s_Welfare(UCOBAC), Village_Focus_International(VFI), Xavier_Science_Foundation(XSF)
Key themesConversion-FoodSecurity, Formalisation-titling, Gender, MarginalisedPeople

WEB INTRODUCTION: This report summarizes the background, achievements and emerging outcomes of the Securing Access to Land and Resources (SALaR) project implemented towards improving land and natural resources tenure security for rural poor smallholder farmers, including women, men, youth and vulnerable groups in Uganda, Philippines and Laos. SALaR contributes to efforts by the German Government, through its Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, to improve food security, and it specifically helps to achieve the objectives of the Ministry’s “One World-No Hunger” initiative. Lessons learned as well as prospects for sustaining the gains and pursuing broader land rights advocacies are included in this report.


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