Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure

TitleEquitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsTiwari P, Stillman GB, Yoshino N
Paginationi-xvi, 1-409
PublisherAsian Development Bank Institute
Place PublishedTokyo
Key themesConversion-FoodSecurity, Distribution, Formalisation-titling, MarginalisedPeople, MigrationLabour, Urban

WEB ABSTRACT: Obtaining rights over land can be complicated by hurdles imposed by geography, settlement patterns, conflicting cultures, sociopolitical factors, and land use problems unique to each country. Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure identifies policies that can balance the rights and interests of first peoples, informal settlers, and rural landowners against the development imperatives of land procurement for the greater public good. The collected chapters propose and assess promising models that might be customized to local conditions, such as long-term land leasing with options to buy. This timely volume will be insightful for policy makers, practitioners, academics, and students interested in instructive case studies of the state of Asian land registration, eminent domain, and redevelopment in situations of vulnerable communities.

URLhttps://www.adb.org/publications/equitable-land-use-asian-infrastructure#:~:text=Equitable Land Use for Asian Infrastructure identifies policies that can,for the greater public good.

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