The Constitutionality of Compulsory Land Acquisition in Vietnam: Issues and Recommendations

TitleThe Constitutionality of Compulsory Land Acquisition in Vietnam: Issues and Recommendations
Annotated RecordNot Annotated
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsHien_Trung_Phan _, Spitzer HD
Secondary TitleLaw and Development Review
Key themesConversion-FoodSecurity, Formalisation-titling, Policy-law

This article identifies and analyzes the theoretical, constitutional, and practical bases for governmental land acquisition in Vietnam from a comparative perspective. The authors contrast political ideologies of private ownership and public interests to elucidate the grounds for compulsory acquisition of property for public uses. By reviewing constitutional provisions on compulsory land acquisition in several countries (Singapore, Korea, Australia, India, and the United States), and exploring Vietnam's constitutional provisions on land acquisition for national defense, security and socio-economic development, this article analyzes some key themes of purposes, procedure, and compensation. The paper then suggests specific changes to Vietnam's Land Law to increase transparency and to provide more legal safeguards for private users of property when government entities recover privately-used land for public purposes.


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Journal Article