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Hunsberger C, Corbera E, Borras SM, Franco JC, Woods K, Work C, de la Rosa R, Eang V, Herre R, Kham SSam et al..  2017.  Climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: towards a landscape-based and collaborative action research agenda. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 38(3):305-324.
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Tuan_Nguyen-Anh _, Duy_Nong _, Leu S, Nguyen_To-The _.  2021.  Changes in the environment from perspectives of small-scale farmers in remote Vietnam. Regional Environmental Change. 21(4):1-17.
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Hoang_Quoc_Chinh _, Nguyen_Thi_Hoa _, Nguyen_Thanh_Hien _, Vu_Thi_Bich_Hop _.  2020.  Challenges and opportunities of the EU-Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement for women and civil society. :1-24.
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC.  2018.  The challenge of locating land-based climate change mitigation and adaptation politics within a social justice perspective: towards an idea of agrarian climate justice. Third World Quarterly. 39(7):1308-1325.
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