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Asian_NGO_Coalition_for_Agrarian_Reform_and_Rural_Development(ANGOC).  2012.  Securing the Right to Land: An overview on Access to Land. :1-238.
Bourgoin J.  2012.  Sharpening the understanding of socio-ecological landscapes in Participatory Land Use. Applied Geography. 34:99-110.
Promsopha G.  2012.  Temporary transfers of land and risk-coping mechanisms in Thailand. :i-iii,1-44.
Lestrelin G, Castella J-C, Bourgoin J.  2012.  Territorialising Sustainable Development: The Politics of Land-Use Planning in Laos. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 42(4):581-602.
Adler D, Sokbunthoeun S.  2012.  Toward Equity in Development When the Law Is Not the Law: Reflections on Legal Pluralism in Practice. Legal Pluralism and Development Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue. :83-92.
Anseeuw W, Boche M, Breu T, Giger M, Lay J, Messerli P, Nolte K.  2012.  Transnational Land Deals for Agriculture in the Global South Analytical Report based on the Land Matrix Database. (April):i-x,1-50.
Sikor T.  2012.  Tree plantations, politics of possession and the absence of land grabs in Vietnam. Journal Of Peasant Studies. 39(February 2015):1077-1101.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2012.  Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from case studies. :i-xxxv,1-342.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2012.  Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. :i-vi,1-40.
Transnational_Institute(TNI).  2013.  Access Denied: Land Rights and Ethnic Conflict in Burma - Burma Policy Briefing. (11):1-16.
OXFAM _.  2013.  Aggregated outcomes of the community consultation supporting the improvement of the draft amended Land Law - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. :1-8.
Woods K.  2013.  Agribusiness Investments in Myanmar: Opportunities and Challenges for Poverty Reduction. :1-115.
Colchester M, Chao S, Dallinger J, Toh SMei, Kiev C, Saptaningrum I, Ramirez M_A, Pulhin J.  2013.  Agribusiness Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Human Rights in Southeast Asia. (August):1-156.
Kloeppinger-Todd R, Sandar TMin.  2013.  Background Paper No. 3 - Rural Finance in Myanmar. :i-x,1-31.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Inclusive_Development_International(IDI).  2013.  BITTERSWEET HARVEST: A Human Rights Impact Assessment of the European Union's Everything but Arms Instiative in Cambodia. :i-v,1-100.
Displacement_Solutions _.  2013.  Bridging the HLP Gap: The Need to Effectively Address Housing, Land and Property Rights During Peace Negotiations and in the Context of Refugee/IDP Return - Preliminary Recommendations to the Government of Myanmar, Ethnic Actors and the International Comm. :1-50.
Dwyer MB.  2013.  Building the Politics Machine: Tools for ‘Resolving’ the Global Land Grab. Development and Change. 44(2):309-333.
Cambodian_Center_for_Human_Rights(CCHR).  2013.  Cambodia: Land in Conflict - An Overview of the Land Situation. (December):i-v,1-50.
Cambodian_NGO_Committee_on_CEDAW(NGO-CEDAW), Cambodian_Committee_for_Women(CAMBOW).  2013.  The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW (NGO-CEDAW) Shadow Report. :1-13.
Cambodia_Development_Resource_Institute(CDRI).  2013.  Cambodia's Development Dynamics: Past Performance and Emerging Priorities. :i-xxii,1-131.
Swift P.  2013.  Changing ethnic identities among the Kuy in Cambodia: Assimilation, reassertion and the making of Indigenous identity. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):296-308.
Markussen T, Tarp F, Newman C.  2013.  Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2012 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam. Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Hanoi. :1-349.
Coca-Cola_Company _.  2013.  The Coca-Cola Company Commitment Land Rights and Sugar - Proposal to OXFAM. :4.
Pham_Huu_Ty _, Van Westen A.C.M., Zoomers A.  2013.  Compensation and Resettlement Policies after Compulsory Land Acquisition for Hydropower Development in Vietnam: Policy and Practice. Land. 2(4):678-704.
Oldenburg C, Neef A.  2013.  Competing Frameworks and Perspectives on Land Property in Cambodia. :1-21.
