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Truong_Thien_Thu _, Perera R.  2011.  Consequences of the two-price system for land in the land and housing market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Habitat International. 35:30-39.
Environmental_Investigation_Agency(EIA).  2011.  Crossroads: The illicit timber trade between Laos and Vietnam. :1-21.
_and_International_Cooperation_Institute(LRICI)Law_Resear.  2011.  Customary Law and Practice in Lao PDR. :i-xxv,1-132.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2011.  Dispossesion, semi-proletarianization and enclosure: primitive accumulation and the land grab in Laos. International Conference on Global Land Grabbing. :1-32.
Amnesty_International _.  2011.  Eviction and Resistance in Cambodia: Five women tell their stories. :1-63.
Gillespie J.  2011.  Exploring the Limits of the Judicialization of Urban Land Disputes in Vietnam. Law and Society Review. 45(2):241-276.
Tran_Thi_Thu_Trang _.  2011.  Food Security versus Food Sovereignty: Choice of Concept, Policies, and Classes in Vietnam’s Post-Reform Economy. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies. 26:68-88.
Markussen T, Tarp F, Van Den Broeck K.  2011.  The Forgotten Property Rights: Evidence on Land Use Rights in Vietnam. World Development. 39(5):839-850.
Lund C.  2011.  Fragmented sovereignty: land reform and dispossession in Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(4):885-905.
Biddulph R.  2011.  Is the Geographies of Evasion hypothesis useful for explaining and predicting the fate of external interventions? The case of REDD in Cambodia Globalization and Development: Rethinking interventions and governance. :1-19.
Ta'ang_Student_and_Youth_Organization(TSYO).  2011.  Grabbing Land: Destructive Development in Ta'ang Region. :1-70.
Mizuno A.  2011.  Identifying the ‘agriculturists’ in the Burma Delta in the colonial period: A new perspective on agriculturists based on a village tract's registers of holdings from the 1890s to the 1920s. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 42(3):405-434.
Bues A.  2011.  Increasing Pressure for Land - Implications for Rural Livelihoods in Developing Countries: The Case of Cambodia. (October):i-v,1-54.
Prachvuthy M.  2011.  Land acquisition by non-local actors and consequences for local development: Impacts of economic land concessions on livelihoods of indigenous communities in Northeastern provinces of Cambodia. LandAc & Royal University of Phnom Penh, Utrecht/Phnom Penh. :1-40.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2011.  Land Concessions, Land Tenure, and Livelihood Change: Plantation Development in Attapeu Province, Southern Laos. :1-47.
Hall D.  2011.  Land grabs, land control, and Southeast Asian crop booms. Journal of Peasant Studies. 38(4):837-857.
Mellac M.  2011.  Land Reform and Changing Identities in Two Tai-Speaking Districts in Northern Vietnam. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam and Laos. (Article 14):146-172.
Centre_on_Housing_Rights_and_Evictions(COHRE).  2011.  Living under threat but with nowhere to go: A survey on the impact of forced eviction on women in Phnom Penh. :i-viii,1-33.
Lestrelin G, Bourgoin J, Bouahom B, Castella JChristophe.  2011.  Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR. Applied Geography. 31(3):950-958.
Woods K, Canby K.  2011.  Overview of Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade: Baseline Study 4 - Myanmar. (August):1-56.
Nguyen_Thi_Dien _, Vu_Dinh_Ton _, Lebailly P.  2011.  Peasant responses to agricultural land conversion and mechanism of rural social differentiation in Hung Yen province, Northern Vietnam. Meeting the Challenges Facing Asian Agriculture and Agricultural Economics toward a Sustainable Future. :1-34.
Thiel F.  2011.  Phnom Penh - Property and Planning in a Contested City. The Planning Review. 47(184):6-11.
Bourgoin J, Castella J-C.  2011.  “PLUP FICTION”: Landscape Simulation for Participatory Land Use Planning in Northern Lao PDR. Mountain Research and Development. 31(2):78-88.
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC.  2011.  Political Dynamics of Land-grabbing in Southeast Asia: Understanding Europe’s Role. :1-55.
Tong K, Sry B.  2011.  Poverty and Environment Links: The Case of Rural Cambodia. (November):i-ix,1-30.
