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Huard S.  2020.  Nobody Owns the Land: How Inheritance Shapes Land Relations in the Central Plain of myanmar. Journal of Burma Studies. 24(1):79-117.
Trædal LTore, Angelsen A.  2020.  Policies Drive Sub-National Forest Transitions in Vietnam. Forests. 11(10):1-21.
Keoka K, Bouahom B, Hett C, Harari N.  2020.  Policies, Strategies, Processes and Frameworks for Scaling Up Sustainable Land Management in Lao PDR. :1-17.
Kissinger G.  2020.  Policy Responses to Direct and Underlying Drivers of Deforestation: Examining Rubber and Coffee in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Forests. 11(7):1-25.
Carroll T, Hameri S, Jones L.  2020.  The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics and Uneven Development under Hyperglobalisation. :i-xxv,1-413.
Thuy_Pham_Thu -, Moeliono M, Wong GY, Brockhaus M, Le_Ngoc_Dung _.  2020.  The politics of swidden: A case study from Nghe An and Son La in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 99:1-7.
Nanhthavong V, Epprecht M, Hett C, Zaehringer JG, Messerli P.  2020.  Poverty trends in villages affected by land-based investments in rural Laos. Applied Geography. 124(October 2019):102298.
Baird IG.  2020.  Problems for the plantations: Challenges for large-scale land concessions in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 20(3):387-407.
Macqueen D, Campbell J.  2020.  Prosperity in place: Meaningful work for mobile youth that enhances forest landscapes. :i-xii,1-63.
Salaisook P, Faysse N, Tsusaka TW.  2020.  Reasons for adoption of sustainable land management practices in a changing context: A mixed approach in Thailand. Land Use Policy. 96:1-9.
Hua X, Kono Y.  2020.  Reconsidering Land System Changes in Borderlands: Insights from the China-ASEAN Borderland. Problemy Ekorozwoju. 15(1):179-187.
Quang_Nguyen _, Kim D-C.  2020.  Reconsidering rural land use and livelihood transition under the pressure of urbanization in Vietnam: A case study of Hanoi. Land Use Policy. 99:1-13.
Singirankabo UAlban, Ertsen MWillem.  2020.  Relations between Land Tenure Security and Agricultural Productivity: Exploring the Effect of Land Registration. Land. 9(5):1-19.
Ayala-cantu L, Morando B.  2020.  Rental markets, gender, and land certificates: Evidence from Vietnam. Food Policy. 94:1-11.
Van_der_Meer_Simo A, Kanowski P, Barney K.  2020.  The role of agroforestry in swidden transitions: a case study in the context of customary land tenure in Central Lao PDR. Agroforestry Systems. 94:1929-1944.
Wataru F.  2020.  The Rubber Boom Assemblage and Internalized Friction: Attitudes of the Government, NGOs, and Farmers in Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 9(3):381-411.
Smith H, Lu J, Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mienmany S, Soukphaxay K.  2020.  Rubber Plantation Value Chains in Laos: Opportunities and Constraints in Policy, Legality and Wood Processing. :1-99.
Lu JN.  2020.  Rubber’s Reach: Chinese land investments and state territorialization in the Sino-Lao borderlands. :i-ii,1-147.
Schoenberger L, Beban A.  2020.  Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):301-312.
Hirsch P.  2020.  Scaling the environmental commons: Broadening our frame of reference for transboundary governance in Southeast Asia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 61(2):190-202.
Faxon HOliva.  2020.  Securing meaningful life: Women's work and land rights in rural Myanmar. Journal of Rural Studies. 76:76-84.
Ivars B, Gruel C-R, The_Ngone_Oo _, Venot J-P.  2020.  Slippery land, ever-shifting boundaries: claiming and accessing alluvial (is)lands in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmara. Journal of Political Ecology. 28(1):146-174.
Woods KM.  2020.  Smaller-scale land grabs and accumulation from below: Violence, coercion and consent in spatially uneven agrarian change in Shan State, Myanmar. World Development. 127:1-16.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO), Network(CYN)Cambodian_, Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Sahmakum_Teang_Tnaut(STT).  2020.  Smoke on the water: A social and human rights impact assessment of the destruction of the Tompoun/Cheung Ek wetlands. :1-43.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO), Cambodian_Youth_Network(CYN), Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Sahmakum_Teang_Tnaut(STT).  2020.  Smoke on the water: A social and human rights impact assessment of the destruction of the Tompoun/Cheung Ek wetlands. :1-43.
