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Larkin S.  2012.  Myanmar at the Crossroads: Rapid Industrial Development or De-industrialization. :1-69.
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Cambodian_Rural_Urban_Migration_Project(CRUMP).  2012.  Migration in Cambodia: Report of the Cambodian Rural Urban Migration Project (CRUMP). :i-vii,1-187.
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Kenney-Lazar M, Ishikawa N.  2019.  Mega-Plantations in Southeast Asia: Landscapes of Displacement. Environment and Society. 10(1):63-82.
Pichler M, Schmid M, Gingrich S.  2022.  Mechanisms to exclude local people from forests: Shifting power relations in forest transitions. Ambio. 51(4):849-862.
Schwedersky L_H.  2010.  Mechanisms of Land Conflict Resolution in Rural Cambodia. :i-iii,1-58.
Lestrelin G, Bourgoin J, Bouahom B, Castella JChristophe.  2011.  Measuring participation: Case studies on village land use planning in northern Lao PDR. Applied Geography. 31(3):950-958.
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Ministry_of_Land_Management_Urban_Planning_and_Construction(MLMUPC).  2012.  Manual on Implementation of Order 01 dated 07 May, 2012 On Measures Strengthening and Increasing Effectiveness of ELC Management. :23.
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