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Jiao X, Smith-Hall C, Theilade I.  2015.  Rural household incomes and land grabbing in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 48:317-328.
Kaino T.  2006.  Rural Credit Markets in Myanmar: A Study of Formal and Non-Formal Lenders. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development. 4(November):1-15.
Schoenberger L, Beban A.  2020.  Rupturing violent land imaginaries: finding hope through a land titling campaign in Cambodia. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):301-312.
McCarthy S.  2018.  Rule of Law Expedited: Land Title Reform and Justice in Burma (Myanmar). Asian Studies Review. 42(2):229-246.
Dove MR.  2018.  Rubber versus forest on contested Asian land. Nature Plants. 4:321-322.
Lu JN.  2020.  Rubber’s Reach: Chinese land investments and state territorialization in the Sino-Lao borderlands. :i-ii,1-147.
McAllister KE.  2015.  Rubber, rights and resistance: the evolution of local struggles against a Chinese rubber concession in Northern Laos. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):817-837.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2009.  Rubber Production in Northern Laos: Geographies of Growth and Contractual Diversity. :1-63.
Dao N.  2015.  Rubber plantations in the Northwest: rethinking the concept of land grabs in Vietnam. Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(2):347-369.
Fox JM, Castella JChristophe, Ziegler AD, Westley SB.  2014.  Rubber plantations expand in mountainous Southeast Asia: What are the consequences for the environment? Asia Pacific IssuesAsia Pacific Issues. (114):1-8.
Smith H, Lu J, Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mienmany S, Soukphaxay K.  2020.  Rubber Plantation Value Chains in Laos: Opportunities and Constraints in Policy, Legality and Wood Processing. :1-99.
Woods K.  2019.  Rubber out of the ashes: locating Chinese agribusiness investments in ‘armed sovereignties’ in the Myanmar–China borderlands. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):79-95.
To_Xuan_Phuc _, Tran_Huu_Nghi _.  2014.  Rubber Expansion and Forest Protection in Vietnam. :i-viii,1-44.
Wataru F.  2020.  The Rubber Boom Assemblage and Internalized Friction: Attitudes of the Government, NGOs, and Farmers in Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 9(3):381-411.
Global_Witness _.  2013.  Rubber Barons: How Vietnamese Companies and International Financiers are Driving the Land Grabbing Crisis in Cambodia and Laos. :1-51.
Environmental_Investigation_Agency(EIA).  2014.  Routes of Extinction: The corruption and violence destroying Siamese rosewood in the Mekong. :1-25.
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Özdoğan M, Baird IG, Dwyer MB.  2018.  The role of remote sensing for understanding large-scale rubber concession expansion in Southern Laos. Land. 7(2):1-20.
Rammohan A, Pritchard B.  2014.  The Role of Landholding as a Determinant of Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Rural Myanmar. World Development. 64:597-608.
Land_Core_Group(LCG), Food_Security_Working_Group(FSWG).  2009.  The Role of Land Tenure Security for Smallholder Farmers in National Development: A policy discussion brief by the Land Core Group of the Food Security Working Group. :1-12.
Van_der_Meer_Simo A, Kanowski P, Barney K.  2020.  The role of agroforestry in swidden transitions: a case study in the context of customary land tenure in Central Lao PDR. Agroforestry Systems. 94:1929-1944.
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Amnesty_International _.  2008.  Rights Razed: Forced evictions in Cambodia. (February):1-64.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO).  2021.  Right to Relief: Indebted land communities speak out. :i-iv,1-38.
