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Talocci G, Boano C.  2018.  The de-politicisation of housing policies: the case of Borei Keila land-sharing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Journal of Housing Policy. 18(2):290-311.
Beringer ALea, Kaewsuk J.  2018.  Emerging livelihood vulnerabilities in an urbanizing and climate uncertain environment for the case of a secondary city in Thailand. Sustainability (Switzerland). 10(5):1-22.
Beauchamp E, Clements T, Milner-Gulland E.J.  2018.  Exploring trade-offs between development and conservation outcomes in Northern Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 71:431-444.
Pierce C, Hurtle L, Bainbridge J.  2018.  Gendered experiences of land confiscation in Myanmar: Insights from eastern Bago Region and Kayin State. :i-iii,1-28.
Borras_Jr. SM, Liu J, Hu Z, Li H, Wang C, Xu Y, Franco JC, Ye J.  2018.  Land control and crop booms inside China: implications for how we think about the global land rush. Globalizations. 15(1):134-151.
Barbesgaard M.  2018.  A landscape of ocean and land-control grabbing in Northern Tanintharyi, Myanmar. :1-15.
Nghiem T, Kimkong H, Fox J, Hurni K, Baird I.  2018.  Large-Scale Land Concessions, Migration, and Land Use: The Paradox of Industrial Estates in the Red River Delta of Vietnam and Rubber Plantations of Northeast Cambodia. Land. 7(2):1-17.
Boutry M, Allaverdian C, Tin_Myo_Win _, Khin_Pyae_Sone _.  2018.  Persistence and Change In Hakha Chin Land and Resource Tenure: A Study on Land Dynamics in the Periphery of Hakha. :i-xxxviii,1-158.
Benjamin D, Brandt L, McCaig B, Nguyen_Le_Hoa _.  2018.  Program participation in a targeted land distribution program and household outcomes: evidence from Vietnam. Review of Economics of the Household. 16:41-74.
Benjamin D, Brandt L, McCaig B, Nguyen_Le_Hoa _.  2018.  Program participation in a targeted land distribution program and household outcomes: evidence from Vietnam. Review of Economics of the Household. 16:41-74.
Özdoğan M, Baird IG, Dwyer MB.  2018.  The role of remote sensing for understanding large-scale rubber concession expansion in Southern Laos. Land. 7(2):1-20.
Ingalls ML, Diepart J-C, Nhu_Truong _, Hayward D, Neil T, Phomphakdy C, Bernhard R, Epprecht M, Nanhthavong V, Vo DH et al..  2018.  State of Land in the Mekong Region. :i-xviii,1-190.
Schoenberger L, Beban A.  2018.  “They Turn Us into Criminals”: Embodiments of Fear in Cambodian Land Grabbing. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 108(5):1338-1353.
Ayala-cantu L, Beni T, Markussen T, Narciso G, Newman C, Singh A, Singhal S, Tarp F, Zille H.  2017.  Characteristics of the Vietnamese rural economy: Evidence from a 2016 rural survey in 12 provinces of Viet Nam. :1-141.
Hunsberger C, Corbera E, Borras SM, Franco JC, Woods K, Work C, de la Rosa R, Eang V, Herre R, Kham SSam et al..  2017.  Climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: towards a landscape-based and collaborative action research agenda. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 38(3):305-324.
Diepart JChristophe, Schoenberger L.  2017.  Concessions in Cambodia: Governing profits, extending state power and enclosing resources from the colonial era to the present. The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia. :157-168.
Broegaard RBrandt, Vongvisouk T, Mertz O.  2017.  Contradictory Land Use Plans and Policies in Laos: Tenure Security and the Threat of Exclusion. World Development. 89:170-183.
Beban A, So S, Un K.  2017.  From Force to Legitimation: Rethinking Land Grabs in Cambodia. Development and Change. 48(3):590-612.
Beban A, Gorman T.  2017.  From land grab to agrarian transition? Hybrid trajectories of accumulation and environmental change on the Cambodia–Vietnam border The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(1):748-768.
Boutry M, Allaverdian C, Mellac M, Huard S, San_Thein U, Tin_Myo_Win _, Pyae_Sone K.  2017.  Land Tenure in Rural Lowland Myanmar: From historical perspectives to contemporary realities in the Dry zone and the Delta. :1-303.
Baaz M, Lilja M, Östlund A.  2017.  Legal pluralism, gendered discourses, and hybridity in land-titling practices in Cambodia. Journal of Law and Society. 44(2):200-227.
Baird IG, Barney K.  2017.  The political ecology of cross-sectoral cumulative impacts: modern landscapes, large hydropower dams and industrial tree plantations in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):769-795.
Baird IG, Barney K.  2017.  The political ecology of cross-sectoral cumulative impacts: modern landscapes, large hydropower dams and industrial tree plantations in Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):769-795.
Cosier M, Phelps J, Thaung_Naing_Oo _, Win_Hlaing _, Whitten T, Fogerite J, Speechly H, Aguirre D, Wilson T, Williams G et al..  2017.  Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1257-1270.
Cosier M, Phelps J, Thaung_Naing_Oo _, Win_Hlaing _, Whitten T, Fogerite J, Speechly H, Aguirre D, Wilson T, Williams G et al..  2017.  Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1257-1270.
