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Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1257-1270.
2017. .
2017. Capitalizing on Compensation: Hydropower Resettlement and the Commodification and Decommodification of Nature–Society Relations in Southern Laos. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 106(4):853-873.
2016. Conversion of Land Use in Vietnam through a Political Economy Lens. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2(2):131-146.
2016. Editorial - Will the recent changes in protected area management and the creation of five new protected areas improve biodiversity conservation in Cambodia? Cambodian Journal of Natural History. (1):1-5.
2016. Getting the positives out of forest landscape conflicts. Unasylva. 67(247-248):45-51.
2016. Historical Changes of Land Tenure and Land Use Rights in a Local Community: A Case Study in Lao PDR. Land. 5(11):1-20.
2016. Mapping the Srok: The Mimeses of Land Titling in Cambodia. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. 31(1):37-80.
2016. Rush for cash crops and forest protection: Neither land sparing nor land sharing. Land Use Policy. 55:182-192.
2016. Concentration of land and other wealth in Thailand. Unequal Thailand : aspects of income, wealth, and power. :32-42.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. Resistance, acquiescence or incorporation? An introduction to land grabbing and political reactions ‘from below’ The Journal of Peasant Studies. 42(3-4):467-488.
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .
2014. .
2014. .
Degraded forest, degraded land and the development of industrial tree plantations in Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 35(3):328-344.
2014. The Fall and Rise Again of Plantations in Tropical Asia: History Repeated? Land. 3(3):574-597.
2014. A Foreseeable Disaster in Burma: Forced Displacement in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone. (November):1-26.
2014. The Global Land Grab Meta-Narrative, Asian Money Laundering and Elite Capture: Reconsidering the Cambodian Context. Geopolitics. 19(2):431-453.
2014. .
2014. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and Access and Exclusion: Obstacles and Opportunities in Cambodia and Laos. Southeast Asian Studies. 3(3):643-668.
2014. The Spirits are Crying: Dispossessing Land and Possessing Bodies in Rural Cambodia. Antipode. 46(3):593-610.