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Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature? The Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(2):237-261.
2012. .
2012. .
2012. .
2012. An agent-based model of agricultural innovation, land-cover change and household inequality: the transition from swidden cultivation to rubber plantations in Laos PDR. Journal of Land Use Science. 6(2-3):151-173.
2011. .
2011. Land Reform and Changing Identities in Two Tai-Speaking Districts in Northern Vietnam. Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China, Vietnam and Laos. (Article 14):146-172.
2011. .
2011. .
2011. Thailand's Forest Regulatory Framework in Relation to the Rights and Livelihoods of Forest Dependent People. Critical Review of Selected Forest-Related Regulatory Initiatives: Applying a Rights Perspective. :69-81.
2011. .
National Gender Profile of Agricultural Households 2010. :i-xii,1-53.
2010. .
2010. .
Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human Ecology. 37(3):305-322.
2009. Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human Ecology. 37(3):305-322.
2009. .
2009. Towards Improved Land Governance. (September):i-iv,1-55.
2009. The Gap Between Policy and Practice in Lao PDR. Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia-Pacific. :117-131.
2008. Northern Thailand's specter of eviction. Critical Asian Studies. 40(3):373-397.
2008. Poverty and Agrarian-Forest Interactions in Thailand. Geographical Research. 46(1):74-84.
2008. The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
2007. Moving Out of Poverty? Trends in community well-being and household mobility in nine Cambodian villages Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). :1-228.
2007. .