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Urban destruction and land disputes in periurban Hanoi during the late-socialist period. Pacific Affairs. 84(3):435-454.
2011. .
Access to Land Title in Cambodia: A Study of Systematic Land Registration in Three Cambodian Provinces and the Capital. (November):i-xii,1-163.
2012. .
2012. Do collective property rights make sense? Insights from central Vietnam International Journal of the Commons. 6(1):1-27.
2012. Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature? The Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(2):237-261.
2012. .
2012. Land reforms and the tragedy of the anticommons - A case study from Cambodia. Sustainability. 4(4):773-793.
2012. Landscapes of Political Memories: War Legacies and Land Negotiations in Laos. Political Geography. 31(5):290-300.
2012. .
2012. Rapid Appraisal of Cross-Border Agricultural Business along NSEC: Focus on China-Laos Border. :1-55.
2012. Territorialising Sustainable Development: The Politics of Land-Use Planning in Laos. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 42(4):581-602.
2012. .
2012. Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
2013. Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
2013. .
2013. Periurban Land Redevelopment in Vietnam under Market Socialism. Urban Studies. 51(May):1146-1161.
2013. Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar. (May):1-171.
2013. Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Related Issues in Land Policy and Administration Projects. Project Appraisal. :1-4.
2013. Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Related Issues in Land Policy and Administration Projects. Project Appraisal. :1-4.
2013. .
2013. .
The Layers of Legal Development in Myanmar. Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar. :1-37.
2014. Mobile householding and marital dissolution in Vietnam: An inevitable consequence? Geoforum. 51:273-283.