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Carbon emissions from land acquisitions in Laos. Ecology and Society. 27(3)
2022. Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(3):473-488.
2022. Determinants of swidden communities’ land-use decision-making for different crops in Son La and Nghe An provinces, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 119:106190.
2022. Determinants of swidden communities’ land-use decision-making for different crops in Son La and Nghe An provinces, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 119:106190.
2022. Indigenous peoples’ responses to land exclusions: emotions, affective links and power relations. Third World Quarterly. 43(3):525-542.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Can traders help farmers transition towards more sustainable maize based farming systems? Evidence from the Lao-Vietnamese border International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 19(3-4):234-254.
2021. Changes in the environment from perspectives of small-scale farmers in remote Vietnam. Regional Environmental Change. 21(4):1-17.
2021. Contested land restitution processes in Cambodia. Land. 10(5):1-14.
2021. Contested land restitution processes in Cambodia. Land. 10(5):1-14.
2021. Environmental Requirement Integration into the Land Law of Vietnam. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 16(7):209-217.
2021. Gender biases in resettlement processes in Vietnam: examining women’s participation and implications for impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 39(3):206-217.
2021. Gender biases in resettlement processes in Vietnam: examining women’s participation and implications for impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 39(3):206-217.
2021. Impacts of agricultural land acquisition for urbanization on agricultural activities of affected households: A case study in Huong Thuy town, Thua Thien Hue province, vietnam. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(15)
2021. Land accumulation: An option for improving technical and environmental efficiencies of rice production in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Land Use Policy. 108:1-12.
2021. Land accumulation: An option for improving technical and environmental efficiencies of rice production in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Land Use Policy. 108:1-12.
2021. Land Loss with Compensation: What Are the Determinants of Income Among Households in Central Vietnam? Environment and Urbanization ASIA. 12(1):40-55.
2021. Pathways to human well-being in the context of land acquisitions in Lao PDR. Global Environmental Change. 68:1-28.
2021. (Re)constructing state power and livelihoods through the Laos-China Railway project. Geoforum. 124:77-88.
2021. Adaptation to Land Degradation in Southeast Vietnam. Land. 9(9):1-25.
2020. .
2020. The cash crop boom in southern Myanmar: tracing land use regime shifts through participatory mapping. Ecosystems and People. 16(1):36-49.
2020. .
2020. .