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Schneider A.  2011.  What shall we do without our land? Land Grabs and Resistance in Rural Cambodia International Conference on Global Land Grabbing. (6-8 April):1-35.
Johnston R, Lacombe G, Hoanh CThai, Noble A, Pavelic P, Smakhtin V, Suhardiman D, Pheng KSuan, Sze CPoh.  2010.  Climate Change, Water and Agriculture in the Greater Mekong Subregion. :i-vii,1-53.
Johnston R, Lacombe G, Hoanh CThai, Noble A, Pavelic P, Smakhtin V, Suhardiman D, Pheng KSuan, Sze CPoh.  2010.  Climate Change, Water and Agriculture in the Greater Mekong Subregion. :i-vii,1-53.
Johnston R, Lacombe G, Hoanh CThai, Noble A, Pavelic P, Smakhtin V, Suhardiman D, Pheng KSuan, Sze CPoh.  2010.  Climate Change, Water and Agriculture in the Greater Mekong Subregion. :i-vii,1-53.
Sothath N, Sophal C.  2010.  Does Large Scale Agricultural Investment Benefit the Poor? (2):i-vii,1-55.
Sothath N, Sophal C.  2010.  Does Large Scale Agricultural Investment Benefit the Poor? (2):i-vii,1-55.
Sturgeon JC.  2010.  Governing minorities and development in Xishuangbanna, China: Akha and Dai rubber farmers as entrepreneurs. Geoforum. 41(2):318-328.
Sar S.  2010.  Land Reform in Cambodia. Social Aspects of Land Administration and Land Reform. :1-14.
Sokbunthoeun S.  2010.  Land Rights in Cambodia: An Unfinished Reform. Asia Pacific Issues. 97(August):1-8.
Schwedersky L_H.  2010.  Mechanisms of Land Conflict Resolution in Rural Cambodia. :i-iii,1-58.
Subedi SP.  2010.  Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia: A human rights analysis of economic and other land concessions in Cambodia. 4(July):1-8.
Sikor T, Lund C.  2009.  Access and Property: A Question of Power and Authority. Development and Change. 40(1):1-22.
Scott S.  2009.  Agrarian transformation in Vietnam: land reform, markets and poverty. The political economy of rural livelihoods in transition economies. :175-200.
Scott S.  2009.  Agrarian transformation in Vietnam: land reform, markets and poverty. The political economy of rural livelihoods in transition economies. :175-200.
Scott J.  2009.  The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. :1-464.
Görgen M, Rudloff B, Simons J, Ullenberg A, Väth S, Wimmer L.  2009.  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in developing countries. :1-76.
Schoenweger O, Ullenberg A.  2009.  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in the Lao PDR. :1-40.
Sikor T, Müller D.  2009.  The Limits of State-Led Land Reform: An Introduction. World Development. 37(8):1307-1316.
Fox J, Fujita Y, Ngidang D, Peluso N, Potter L, Sakuntaladewi N, Sturgeon J, Thomas D.  2009.  Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human Ecology. 37(3):305-322.
Fox J, Fujita Y, Ngidang D, Peluso N, Potter L, Sakuntaladewi N, Sturgeon J, Thomas D.  2009.  Policies, Political-Economy, and Swidden in Southeast Asia. Human Ecology. 37(3):305-322.
Un K, So S.  2009.  Politics of Natural Resource Use in Cambodia. Asian Affairs: An American Review. 36(August 2014):123-138.
