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Historical Agrarian Change and its Connections to Contemporary Agricultural Extension in Northwest Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 56(1):25-52.
2024. Smallholder farmers’ challenges and opportunities: Implications for agricultural production, environment and food security. Journal of Environmental Management. 370:122536.
2024. Indigenous peoples’ responses to land exclusions: emotions, affective links and power relations. Third World Quarterly. 43(3):525-542.
2022. .
2021. .
2020. .
The State of the World's Forests: Forests, Diversity and People. :a-b,i-xxii,1-190.
2020. Detailed findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar. (A/HRC/42/CRP .5):1-190.
2019. Protected area co-management and land use conflicts adjacent to Phu Kao – Phu Phan Kham National Park, Thailand. Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 38(5):486-507.
2019. Large-Scale Land Acquisitions for Agricultural Development in Myanmar: A Review of Past and Current Processes. (9):i-vi,72.
2018. Large-Scale Land Acquisitions for Agricultural Development in Myanmar: A Review of Past and Current Processes. (9):i-vi,72.
2018. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. International Organization. :1-17.
2018. From Force to Legitimation: Rethinking Land Grabs in Cambodia. Development and Change. 48(3):590-612.
2017. Gendered eviction, protest and recovery: a feminist political ecology engagement with land grabbing in rural Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(6):1215-1234.
2017. .
Global land governance: From territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 5(5):522-527.
2013. Title through Possession or Title through Position? Respect for Housing, Land and Property Rights in Cambodia Land and Post‐Conflict Peacebuilding. :411-436.
2013. .
2011. .
USAID Country Profile: Property Rights and Resource Governance - Cambodia. USAID Country Profile. :1-27.
2011. .
2011. .
2011. .
2010. .