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Wang J, Sui L, Yang X, Wang Z, Ge D, Kang J, Yang F, Liu Y, Liu B.  2019.  Economic Globalization Impacts on the Ecological Environment of Inland Developing Countries: A Case Study of Laos from the Perspective of the Land Use/Cover Change. Sustainability. 11(14):1-21.
Wang J, Sui L, Yang X, Wang Z, Ge D, Kang J, Yang F, Liu Y, Liu B.  2019.  Economic Globalization Impacts on the Ecological Environment of Inland Developing Countries: A Case Study of Laos from the Perspective of the Land Use/Cover Change. Sustainability. 11(14):1-21.
Phuc_To _, Mahanty S, Wells-Dang A.  2019.  From "Land to the Tiller" to the "New Landlords"? The Debate over Vietnam's Latest Land Reforms Land. 8(8):1-19.
Woods KM.  2019.  Green Territoriality: Conservation as State Territorialization in a Resource Frontier. Human Ecology. 47:217-232.
De_Alban JDon T, Prescott GW, Woods KM, Jamaludin J, Kyaw_Thinn_Latt _, Cheng_Ling_Lim _, Aye_Chan_Maung _, Webb EL.  2019.  Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(4):1-23.
De_Alban JDon T, Prescott GW, Woods KM, Jamaludin J, Kyaw_Thinn_Latt _, Cheng_Ling_Lim _, Aye_Chan_Maung _, Webb EL.  2019.  Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(4):1-23.
Watson I.  2019.  The Resilience Agenda in Neoliberalising Cambodia. New Political Economy. 24(4):441-456.
Woods K.  2019.  Rubber out of the ashes: locating Chinese agribusiness investments in ‘armed sovereignties’ in the Myanmar–China borderlands. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):79-95.
Nhung_Pham_Thi _, Kappas M, Wyss D.  2020.  Benefits and Constraints of the Agricultural Land Acquisition for Urbanization for Household Gender Equality in Affected Rural Communes: A Case Study in Huong Thuy Town, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. Land. 9(8):1-19.
Zaehringer JG, Lundsgaard-Hansen L, Tun_Tun_Thein _, Llopis JC, Nwe_Nwe_Tun _, Win_Myint _, Schneider F.  2020.  The cash crop boom in southern Myanmar: tracing land use regime shifts through participatory mapping. Ecosystems and People. 16(1):36-49.
Woods K, Treanor NBasik, Dwyer M.  2020.  "Conflict Rubber" and Land Rights in Southeastern Myanmar. :1-13.
Woods KM, Naimark J.  2020.  Conservation as counterinsurgency: A case of ceasefire in a rebel forest in southeast Myanmar. Political Geography. 83:1-11.
Malaitham S, Fukuda A, Vichiensan V, Wasuntarasook V.  2020.  Hedonic pricing model of assessed and market land values: A case study in Bangkok metropolitan area, Thailand. Case Studies on Transport Policy. 8(1):153-162.
Huy_Quynh_Nguyen _, Warr P.  2020.  Land consolidation as technical change: Economic impacts in rural Vietnam. World Development. 127:1-11.
Nguyen QH, Tran DD, Dang KK, Korbee D, Pham LDMH, Vu LT, Luu TT, Ho LH, Nguyen PT, Trang TT et al..  2020.  Land-use dynamics in the Mekong delta: From national policy to livelihood sustainability. Sustainable Development. 28(3):448-467.
Thuy_Pham_Thu -, Moeliono M, Wong GY, Brockhaus M, Le_Ngoc_Dung _.  2020.  The politics of swidden: A case study from Nghe An and Son La in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 99:1-7.
Wataru F.  2020.  The Rubber Boom Assemblage and Internalized Friction: Attitudes of the Government, NGOs, and Farmers in Northeast Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 9(3):381-411.
Woods KM.  2020.  Smaller-scale land grabs and accumulation from below: Violence, coercion and consent in spatially uneven agrarian change in Shan State, Myanmar. World Development. 127:1-16.
Wong GY, Moeliono M, Bong IW, Thuy_Thu_Pham _, Sahide MAK, Naito D, Brockhaus M.  2020.  Social forestry in Southeast Asia: Evolving interests, discourses and the many notions of equity. Geoforum. 117:246-258.
Schneider F, Feurer M, Lundsgaard-Hansen LMaria, Win_Myint _, Cing_Don_Nuam _, Nydegger K, Oberlack C, Nwe_Nwe_Tun _, Zähringer JGwendolin, Aung_Myin_Tun _ et al..  2020.  Sustainable Development Under Competing Claims on Land: Three Pathways Between Land-Use Changes, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-Being. European Journal of Development Research. 32(2):316-337.
Güneralp B, Reba M, Hales BU, Wentz EA, Seto KC.  2020.  Trends in urban land expansion, density, and land transitions from 1970 to 2010: A global synthesis. Environmental Research Letters. 15(4):1-13.
