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Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach Agricultural Systems. 217:103953.
2024. How to measure agroecology? A rapid appraisal approach based on focus group discussions Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. :1-34.
2024. Beyond the boom-bust cycle: An interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change. 80:102651Contents.
2023. .
2021. .
A Nested Land Uses-Landscapes-Livelihoods Approach to Assess the Real Costs of Land-Use Transitions: Insights from Southeast Asia. Land. 8(1):1-20.
2019. Understanding the drivers of deforestation and agricultural transformations in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Applied Geography. 102:84-98.
2019. Expansion of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in Mainland Southeast Asia: what are the prospects for smallholders? The Journal of Peasant Studies. 40(1):155-170.
2013. Territorialising Sustainable Development: The Politics of Land-Use Planning in Laos. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 42(4):581-602.
2012. “PLUP FICTION”: Landscape Simulation for Participatory Land Use Planning in Northern Lao PDR. Mountain Research and Development. 31(2):78-88.