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Patterns of land system change in a Southeast Asian biodiversity hotspot. Applied Geography. 126(June 2020):102380.
2021. .
Operationalizing a land systems classification for Laos. Landscape and Urban Planning. 169:229-240.
2018. Representing large-scale land acquisitions in land use change scenarios for the Lao PDR. Regional Environmental Change. 18:1857-1869.
2018. Changing local land systems: Implications of a Chinese rubber plantation in Nambak District, Lao PDR. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 37(1):25-42.
2016. .
2016. Land deals in Laos: First insights from a new nationwide initiative to assess the quality of investments in land. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (18):i-iii,1-26.
2015. .