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Displaced Sand, Displaced People: Examining the Livelihood Impacts of Sand Mining in Cambodia. Research Papers. (205):1-24.
2021. Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-30.
2021. Impacts of agricultural land acquisition for urbanization on agricultural activities of affected households: A case study in Huong Thuy town, Thua Thien Hue province, vietnam. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(15)
2021. .
2021. The Issue of Land Acquisition/Grabbing-Induced Displacement in Myanmar: The Exacerbation of the Lives of Rohingyas. :i-ii,1-22.
2021. Land grabs and labor in Cambodia. Journal of Development Economics. 149(January):1-16.
2021. Migration and Women's Land Tenure Security in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Case Studies from Thailand, Lao PDR and Myanmar. :i-xii,1-74.
2021. No cash, no food. Gendered reorganization of livelihoods and food security in Cambodia. The Journal of Environment & Development. 48(7):1485-1506.
2021. The politics of Myanmar’s agrarian transformation. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):463-475.
2021. The rapid rise of agricultural mechanization in Myanmar. Food Policy. 101:1-14.
2021. .
Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(3):473-488.
2022. Exploring women's mobilities and family transformations in Laos: Historical perspectives and mirrored ethnographic insights. Space-Populations-Societies. (1)
2022. Financial landscapes of agrarian change in Cambodia. Geoforum. 137(December):185-193.
2022. Hybrid livelihoods: Maize and agrarian transformation in Southeast Asia's uplands. Journal of Rural Studies. 95(October):521-532.
2022. .
2022. Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR. World Development. 155:105885.
2022. Translocal Precarity: Labor and Social Reproduction in Cambodia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 112(6):1726-1740.
2022. Maize boom, bust and beyond: Investigating land use transitions in the northern Thai uplands. Land Use Policy. 132:106815.
2023. Progressive politics and populism: Classes of labour and rural–urban political sociology—An introduction to the special issue. Journal of Agrarian Change. 23(1):3-21.
2023. Rethinking agrarian transition in Southeast Asia through rice farming in Thailand. World Development. 169(June):106309.
2023. Rural out-migration and the livelihood vulnerability under the intensifying drought and salinity intrusion impacts in the Mekong Delta. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 93:103762.
2023. Surviving cassava: smallholder farmer strategies for coping with market volatility in Cambodia. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):109-127.
2023. Three populisms and two dead ends: Variants of agrarian populism in Thailand. Journal of Agrarian Change. 23(1):47-67.
2023. Adaptation constraints and prospects for future research priorities in lowland rice-based farming systems: learning experiences from Northwest Cambodia. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 26(9):22555-22586.