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The agrarian transition in the Mekong Region: pathways towards sustainable land systems. Journal of Land Use Science. 19(1):1-23.
2024. .
2024. “It doesn't matter at all—we are family”: Titling and joint property rights in Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 139:107089.
2024. ‘Land for my children’: Gendered moral economies, social reproduction and resistance against land grabs in rural Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 24(3):1-22.
2024. The lucky and unlucky daughter: Gender, land inheritance and agrarian change in Ratanakiri, Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. 24(2):1-22.
2024. Towards gender-equitable land policy and lawmaking in the Mekong Region. (Thematic Study No. 15):38pp.
2024. Women and land rights in Lao PDR. Treasure your matri heritage before it is too late! Where do we land up on gender equality? Gender, Technology and Development. 28(1):123-152.
2024. Agricultural commercialization in the Mekong region: A meta-narrative review and policy implications. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):128-151.
2023. The recognition and formalization of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region: a Polanyian perspective. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):211-226.
2023. .
2022. .
Credit, land and survival work in rural Cambodia: Rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens. Journal of Agrarian Change. 22(3):473-488.
2022. Exploring women's mobilities and family transformations in Laos: Historical perspectives and mirrored ethnographic insights. Space-Populations-Societies. (1)
2022. .
2022. Gendered repertoires of contention: women’s resistance, authoritarian state formation, and land grabbing in Cambodia. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 24(2):198-220.
2022. A Glimpse into Women's Customary Forest Tenure Practices in Lao PDR: Access, Use and Management Rights of Women in Customary Tenure Systems in Mai District, Phongsali Province. MRLG Case (May):30pp..
2022. .
2022. Proletarianization and gateways to precarization in the context of land-based investments for agricultural commercialization in Lao PDR. World Development. 155:105885.
2022. Translocal Precarity: Labor and Social Reproduction in Cambodia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 112(6):1726-1740.
2022. Assessment of the new Land Law and Forestry Law in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Focusing on Customary Rights. (April):1-56.
2021. On equal ground: Promising Practices for Realizing Women's Rights in Collectively Held Lands. :i-iv,1-104.
2021. A feminist methodology for implementing the right to food in agrarian communities: reflections from Cambodia and Ghana. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(7):1459-1484.
2021. Gender and generation in rural politics in Myanmar: a missed space for (re)negotiation? Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):560-585.
2021. Gender biases in resettlement processes in Vietnam: examining women’s participation and implications for impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 39(3):206-217.
2021. .