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Cambodia_Development_Resource_Institute(CDRI).  2014.  Cambodia Development Review - Complete issue March 2014. Cambodia Development Review. 18(1):1-24.
Development_Research_Forum(DRF).  2014.  Cambodia’s Agricultural Land Resources: Status and Challenges. :1-4.
Biddulph R.  2014.  Cambodia’s land management and administration project. (086):1-14.
Baird IG.  2014.  Degraded forest, degraded land and the development of industrial tree plantations in Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 35(3):328-344.
Rungmanee S.  2014.  The Dynamic Pathways of Agrarian Transformation in the Northeastern Thai-Lao Borderlands. Australian Geographer. 45(3):341-354.
United_Nations_Economic_and_Social_Commission_for_Asia_and_the_Pacific _, Asia-Pacific_Research_and_Training_Network_on_Trade _.  2014.  Exploring the Trade Patterns and Developmental Implications of Land Concessions: The Case of Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and Thailand. :1-184.
Cotula L.  2014.  Foreign investment, law and sustainable development: A handbook on agriculture and extractive industries. :i-x,1-160.
Gittleman A, Brown W.  2014.  A Foreseeable Disaster in Burma: Forced Displacement in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone. (November):1-26.
Bourdier F.  2014.  Indigenous Groups in Cambodia: An Updated Situation. :1-35.
Alternative_ASEAN_Network_Burma(ALTSEAN).  2014.  Land Confiscation in Burma: A Threat to Local Communities & Responsible Investment. :1-8.
Dhiaulhaq A, Yasmi Y, Gritten D, Kelley L, Chandet H.  2014.  Land grabbing and forest conflict in Cambodia: Implications for community and sustainable forest management. Forests under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues. :205-216.
Cambodian_Human_Rights_and_Development_Association(ADHOC).  2014.  Land Situation in Cambodia 2013. (April):i-iii,1-47.
Gillespie J, Hualing F, Pham_Duy_Nghia _.  2014.  Land-Taking Disputes in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis and Implications for Vietnam. :1-60.
Crouch M.  2014.  The Layers of Legal Development in Myanmar. Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar. :1-37.
Diepart J-C, Pilgrim J, Dulioust J.  2014.  Migrations. Atlas of Cambodia: Maps on Socio-Economic Development and Environment. :89-96.
Lynn TAung, Oye M.  2014.  Natural Resources and Subnational Governments in Myanmar: Key considerations for wealth sharing. :i-iii,1-65.
Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mahanty S, Dressler WH.  2014.  ‘A new landlord’ (địa chủ mới)? Community, land conflict and State Forest Companies (SFCs) in Vietnam Forest Policy and Economics. :1-8.
Organisation_for_Economic_Co-operation_and_Development(OECD).  2014.  OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Myanmar 2014. :1-371.
Markussen T, Tarp F.  2014.  Political connections and land-related investment in rural Vietnam. Journal of Development Economics. 110:291-302.
Jones L.  2014.  The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Transition. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 44(1):144-170.
Transnational_Institute(TNI).  2014.  Pro-business or Pro-Poor? Making Sense of the Recently Unveiled Draft National Land Use Policy (October):1-24.
Oldenburg C, Neef A.  2014.  Reversing Land Grabs or Aggravating Tenure Insecurity? Competing Perspectives on Economic Land Concessions and Land Titling in Cambodia Law and Development Review. 7(1):49-77.
Environmental_Investigation_Agency(EIA).  2014.  Routes of Extinction: The corruption and violence destroying Siamese rosewood in the Mekong. :1-25.
Ferguson JM.  2014.  The scramble for the Waste Lands: Tracking colonial legacies, counterinsurgency and international investment through the lens of land laws in Burma/Myanmar. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 35(September 2012):295-311.
Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mahanty S, Dressler W.  2014.  Social Networks of Corruption in the Vietnamese and Lao Cross-Border Timber Trade. Anthropological Forum. 24(2):1-21.
