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Adler D, Chhim K, Heang P, Hak S, Heng K, Sou K.  2006.  Towards Institutional Justice? A Review of the Work of Cambodia’s Cadastral Commission in Relation to Land Dispute Resolution :i-xx,1-159.
Adler D, Sokbunthoeun S.  2012.  Toward Equity in Development When the Law Is Not the Law: Reflections on Legal Pluralism in Practice. Legal Pluralism and Development Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue. :83-92.
Amnesty_International _.  2011.  Eviction and Resistance in Cambodia: Five women tell their stories. :1-63.
Amnesty_International _.  2008.  Rights Razed: Forced evictions in Cambodia. (February):1-64.
Analyzing_Development_Issues(ADI), Land_Information_Centre _.  2007.  Land Titling and Poverty Reduction: A Study of Two Sanglat in Prey Nup District, Sihanoukville Municipality. :1-50.
Anprasert W.  2021.  SLAPPs as a form of exclusion in resource governance: the case of an anti-gold mine campaign in Loei province, Thailand. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences. 42(4):746-752.
Apornsilp R, Thaworn R.  2018.  Nested Interconnection: Transgressing Community-Based Natural Resource Management towards Innovating Collective Landscape Mobilization. 2018 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-20.
Asian_NGO_Coalition_for_Agrarian_Reform_and_Rural_Development(ANGOC).  2012.  Securing the Right to Land: An overview on Access to Land. :1-238.
