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Baird IG.  2023.  After the rubber boom: A cautionary tale from Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :417-429.
Nguyen A-T, Oya C, Beban A, Gironde C, Cole R, Ehrensperger A.  2023.  Agricultural commercialization in the Mekong region: A meta-narrative review and policy implications. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):128-151.
Castella J-C, Lu J, Friis C, Bruun TBech, Cole R, Junquera V, Kenney-Lazar M, Mahanty S, Ornetsmüller C, Pravalprukskul P et al..  2023.  Beyond the boom-bust cycle: An interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change. 80:102651Contents.
Diepart J‐C, Kong R, Kou P.  2023.  Cambodian Smallholder Rubber Sector, 2000 to 2021: Trajectories of Change. :57pp..
Boupha T.  2023.  Comparing investments in the Lao Tea Sector: Concessions, contracts, and outcomes for smallholder farmers. :1-35.
Vicol M, Niño HPérez.  2023.  Conceptualizing contract farming in the global land grabbing debate. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :128-142.
DiCarlo J, Sims K.  2023.  Corridors of Connectivity and the Infrastructural Land Rush in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :333-344.
Traldi R, Silva JA, Potapov P, Tyukavina A, Epprecht M, Gore ML, Phompila C.  2023.  Cultivating inequality? Regional rubber dynamics and implications for voluntary sustainability programs in Lao PDR World Development. 170:106312.
Kenney-Lazar M, Schönweger O, Messerli P, Nanhthavong V.  2023.  Governing Land Concessions in Laos. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :96-109.
Dwyer MB, Nanhthavong V.  2023.  Making concessions pay? Historical vs. potential tax revenues from Laos's rubber sector World Development. 172(September):106359.
Leknoi U, Rosset P, Likitlersuang S.  2023.  Multi-criteria social sustainability assessment of highland maize monoculture in Northern Thailand using the SAFA tool. Resources, Environment and Sustainability. 13(February):100115.
Ngo S, Cole R.  2023.  Nurturing Agricultural Cooperativs for Inclusive and Effective Agro-investment Partnerships in Cambodia (Policy Brief). :1-8.
To P.  2023.  Powers of exclusion: A case study of state-led large scale rubber development in Vietnam's north-western region. Journal of Land Use Science. 18(1):249-262.
Suhardiman D, Phayouphorn A-M, Gueguen A, Rigg J.  2023.  Silent transitions: Commercialization and changing customary land tenure systems in upland Laos. Land Use Policy. 126(106541):1-9.
Beaulieu A, Leblond J-P, Déry S, Cao H.  2023.  Urban air pollution anxieties, forest conservation, and farmland expropriation: State territorialization in the uplands and highlands of northern Thailand. Land Use Policy. 131:106687.
Sarma J, Rippa A, Dean K.  2023.  ‘We don’t eat those bananas’: Chinese plantation expansions and bordering on the Northern Myanmar's Kachin borderlands. Eurasian Geography and Economics. :1-27.
