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Urban air pollution anxieties, forest conservation, and farmland expropriation: State territorialization in the uplands and highlands of northern Thailand. Land Use Policy. 131:106687.
2023. Uncovering the individual/collective divide in planning responses to informal settlements as a structural cause of tenure insecurity in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Development Planning Review. 44(4):411-434.
2022. The use and effectiveness of mediation in forest and land conflict transformation in Southeast Asia: Case studies from Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. Environmental Science and Policy. 45:132-145.
2015. .
2022. .
2016. Unrooted responses: Addressing violence against environmental and land defenders. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 39(1):132-151.
2021. .
2009. Upland Livelihoods between Local Land and Global Labour Market Dependencies: Evidence from Northern Chin State, Myanmar. Sustainability (Switzerland). 10(10):1-27.
2018. Understanding the drivers of deforestation and agricultural transformations in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Applied Geography. 102:84-98.
2019. (Un)making the upland: resettlement, rubber and land use planning in Namai village, Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 49(1):1-23.
2020. Urban destruction and land disputes in periurban Hanoi during the late-socialist period. Pacific Affairs. 84(3):435-454.
2011. Untangling the proximate causes and underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Myanmar. Conservation Biology. 31(6):1362-1372.
2017. Unravelling property relations around forest carbon. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 34(2):188-205.
2013. Under the leopard's skin: Land commodification and the dilemmas of Indigenous communal title in upland Cambodia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):323-339.
2013. Understanding land use volatility and agglomeration in northern Southeast Asia. Journal of Environmental Management. 278(Part 1):1-11.
2021. .
The urban land debate in the global South: New avenues for research. Geoforum. 83:133-141.
2017. .
2011. .
USAID Country Profile: Property Rights and Resource Governance - Cambodia. USAID Country Profile. :1-27.
2011. .
2010. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. International Organization. :1-17.
2018. Under the canopy of development aid: illegal logging and the shadow state. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-32.