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Sikor T, Lund C.  2009.  Access and Property: A Question of Power and Authority. Development and Change. 40(1):1-22.
Scott S.  2009.  Agrarian transformation in Vietnam: land reform, markets and poverty. The political economy of rural livelihoods in transition economies. :175-200.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2009.  Agricultural land conversion and its effects on farmers in contemporary Vietnam. Focaal—European Journal of Anthropology. 2009(54):106-113.
Bélanger D, Li X.  2009.  Agricultural land, gender and kinship in rural China and Vietnam: A comparison of two villages. Journal of Agrarian Change. 9(2):204-230.
Scott J.  2009.  The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. :1-464.
Phuong_Anh_Bui _.  2009.  Behind "successful" land acquisition - A case study of the Van Quan new urban area project in Hanoi, Vietnam. :1-114.
Thongmanivong S, Phengsopha K, Chantavong H, Dwyer M, Oberndorf R.  2009.  Concession or cooperation? Impacts of recent rubber investment on land tenure and livelihoods: A case study from Oudomxai Province, Lao PDR :1-57.
Vongvisouk T, Nanhthavong V, Latthachack P, Thongphanh D, Zaehringer JG, Thongmanivong S.  2009.  Economic development and smallholder agency in Lao PDR. :6-8.
Kerkvliet BJTria.  2009.  Everyday politics in peasant societies (and ours). Journal of Peasant Studies. 36(1):227-243.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO), World_Food_Programme(WFP).  2009.  FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to Myanmar - Special Report.. (January):1-43.
Ullenberg A.  2009.  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in Cambodia. :1-44.
Görgen M, Rudloff B, Simons J, Ullenberg A, Väth S, Wimmer L.  2009.  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in developing countries. :1-76.
Schoenweger O, Ullenberg A.  2009.  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Land in the Lao PDR. :1-40.
Hares M.  2009.  Forest conflict in Thailand: Northern Minorities in Focus. Environmental Management. 43(3):381-395.
All_Arakan_Students_and_Youths_Congress(AASYC), Pa-O_Youth_Organisation(PYO), Mon_Youth_Progressive_Organisation(MYPO).  2009.  Holding Our Ground: Land Confiscation in Arakan & Mon States, and Pa-O Area of Southern Shan State. :i-iv,1-45.
United_Nations_Committee_on_Economic_Social_and_Cultural_Rights(CESCR).  2009.  Housing and Land Rights Issues in Cambodia. (April):1-25.
Touch S.  2009.  The Impact of Economic Land Concessions on the Local Livelihoods of Forest Communities in Kratie Province, Northeastern Cambodia. (March):i-xv,1-204.
Nguyễn_Văn_Sửu _.  2009.  Industrialization and Urbanization in Vietnam: How Appropriation of Agricultural Land Use Rights Transformed Farmers’ Livelihoods in a Peri-Urban Hanoi Village. 38:1-42.
Land_and_Housing_Working_Group_Cambodia _.  2009.  Land and Housing Rights in Cambodia Parallel Report 2009. 11:1-39.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO).  2009.  Land Grabbing & Poverty in Cambodia: The Myth of Development. :1-30.
