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Contending Views and Conflicts over Land in the Red River Delta since Decollectivisation. (2):i-xiii,1-290.
2004. Flood Forests, Fish, and Fishing Villages - Tonle Sap Cambodia: Community Forest Management Trends in Cambodia. :i-viii,1-37.
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2004. A market without the 'right' property rights. Economics of Transition. 12(2):275-305.
2004. The Politics of Land: Inequality in Land Access and Local Conflicts in the Red River Delta Since Decollectivization. Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform. :270-296.
2004. Re-encountering resistance: Plantation activism and smallholder production in Thailand and Sarawak, Malaysia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 45(3):325-339.
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2004. Study on Land Allocation to Individual Households in Rural Areas of Lao PDR. (December):i-viii,1-81.
2004. The Assembly of the Poor in Thailand: From Local Struggles to National Protest Movement. :i-viii,1-237.
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2003. Dealing with contradictions: Examining national forest reserves in Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 41(2):206-238.
2003. Gender analysis of land: beyond land rights for women? Journal of agrarian Change. 3(4):453-480.
2003. Gender and Land Rights Revisited: Exploring New Prospects via the State, Family and Market. Journal of Agrarian Change. 3(1-2):184-224.
2003. Gender, Household Headship and Entitlements to Land: New Vulnerabilities in Vietnam's Decollectivization. Gender, Technology and Development. 7:233-263.
2003. Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction. :i-xlvi,1-244.
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2003. Land to some tillers: development-induced displacement in Laos. International Social Science Journal. 175:47-56.
2003. Public Land for the People: The Institutional Basis of Community Forestry in Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 34(2):329-346.
2003. Rural perceptions of state legitimacy in Burma/Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 30(785022369):1-40.
2003. A Theory of Access. Rural Sociology. 68(2):153-181.
2003. In the Eyes of the State: Negotiating a ‘‘Rights-Based Approach’’ to Forest Conservation in Thailand. World Development. 30(9):1591-1605.
2002. Logging in Muddy Waters: The Politics of Forest Exploitation in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 34(August 2014):563-586.
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2002. Natural Resource Exploitation in Cambodia: An Examination of Use, Appropriation, and Exclusion. The Journal of Environment & Development. 11:355-379.
2002. The allocation of forestry land in Vietnam: did it cause the expansion of forests in the northwest? Forest Policy and Economics. 2:1-11.