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Lamb V, Middleton C, Leonard R, Nga_Dao _.  2015.  Access to productive agricultural land by the landless, land poor and smallholder farmers in four Lower Mekong River Basin countries. :1-94.
Yun M.  2015.  Access to remedy for indigenous peoples affected by corporate activities in Cambodia. Business and Human Rights: Indigenous Peoples' Experiences with Access to Remedy. :187-210.
McAllister K.  2015.  Allocation or appropriation? How spatial and temporal fragmentation of land allocation policies facilitates land grabbing in Northern Laos Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (76):i-iii,1-20.
Sherchan D.  2015.  Cambodia: The Bitter Taste of Sugar Displacement and Dispossession in Oddar Meanchey Province. :i-x,1-60.
Milne S.  2015.  Cambodia's Unofficial Regime of Extraction: Illicit Logging in the Shadow of Transnational Governance and Investment. Critical Asian Studies. 47(2):200-228.
Woods K.  2015.  Commercial Agriculture Expansion in Myanmar: Links to Deforestation, Conversion Timber, and Land Conflicts. Forest Trend Report Series. (i-xv, 1-58)
Global_Witness _.  2015.  The Cost of Luxury: Cambodia’s illegal trade in precious wood with China. (February):1-32.
Woods K.  2015.  CP maize contract farming in Shan State, Myanmar: A regional case of a place-based corporate agro-feed system. :i-iv,1-27.
Kramer T.  2015.  Ethnic Conflict and Lands Rights in Myanmar. Social Research: An International Quarterly. 82(2):355-374.
Global_Witness _.  2015.  Guns, Cronies, and Crops: How Military, Political and Business Cronies Conspired to Grab Land in Myanmar. :1-54.
Gironde C, Peeters A.  2015.  Land Acquisitions in Northeastern Cambodia: Space and Time matters. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (24):i-iii,1-29.
Duangjai W, Schmidt-Vogt D, Shrestha RP.  2015.  Land Use Policy Farmers’ land use decision-making in the context of changing land and conservation policies: A case study of Doi Mae Salong in Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand. Land Use Policy. 48:179-189.
Diepart J-C, Doch S, Hak S, Ham K, Heng C, Heng K, Jones RW, Kim N, Kim S, Kleinpeter V et al..  2015.  Learning for Resilience: Insights from Cambodia's Rural Communities. :i-xvi,1-272.
TNI _.  2015.  Linking Women and Land in Myanmar - Recognising Gender in the National Land Use Policy. (February):1-24.
Turner S, Thi_Thanh_Hiên_Pham _.  2015.  “Nothing Is Like It Was Before”: The Dynamics between Land-Use and Land-Cover, and Livelihood Strategies in the Northern Vietnam Borderlands. Land. 4(4):1030-1059.
Scurrah N, Hirsch P.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Cambodia. :32. (504.4 KB)
Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Lao PDR. (November):23. (497.76 KB)
Scurrah N, Hirsch P, Woods K.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in Myanmar. :32. (568.45 KB)
Hirsch P, Scurrah N.  2015.  The political economy of land governance in the Mekong Region. :52. (703.1 KB)
Rights_And_Resources_Initiative(RRI).  2015.  Protected Areas and the Land Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities: Current Issues and Future Agenda. :i-vi,1-50.
Faxon H, Furlong R, Phyu MSabe.  2015.  Reinvigorating resilience: violence against women, land rights, and the women's peace movement in Myanmar. Gender and Development. 23(3):463-479.
