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“Extremely Rightful” Resistance: Land Appropriation and Rural Agitation in Contemporary Vietnam. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49(3):343-364.
2019. Exploring the Limits of the Judicialization of Urban Land Disputes in Vietnam. Law and Society Review. 45(2):241-276.
2011. .
2016. .
2011. Ethnic Conflict and Lands Rights in Myanmar. Social Research: An International Quarterly. 82(2):355-374.
2015. Environmentalisms in Twenty-First Century Thailand: Continuities, Discontinuities, and Emerging Trajectories. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 53(3):375-397.
2023. Environmental and land defenders: Global patterns and determinants of repression. Global Environmental Change. 65:1-16.
2020. The emerging role of property rights in land and housing disputes in Hanoi. State, Society and the Market in Contemporary Vietnam: Property, Power and Values. :103-137.
2013. Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(3):820-850.
2023. .
2007. Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities. (February):i-vii,1-63.
2012. .
2008. .
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2013. .
The dark underbelly of land struggles: the instrumentalization of female activism and emotional resistance in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 51(1):103-119.
2019. The Cost of Luxury: Cambodia’s illegal trade in precious wood with China. (February):1-32.
2015. .
2015. Contesting land grabs, negotiating statehood: the politics of international accountability mechanisms and land disputes in rural Cambodia. Third World Quarterly. 41(9):1615-1633.
2020. Contested land restitution processes in Cambodia. Land. 10(5):1-14.
2021. Contending views and conflicts over land In Vietnam's Red River Delta. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 38(02):309-334.
2007. Contending Views and Conflicts over Land in the Red River Delta since Decollectivisation. (2):i-xiii,1-290.
2004. Consequences of the two-price system for land in the land and housing market in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Habitat International. 35:30-39.
2011. .
2018. .