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Missingham BD.  2003.  The Assembly of the Poor in Thailand: From Local Struggles to National Protest Movement. :i-viii,1-237.
Ironside J.  2003.  Communal Titling for Cambodia’s Indigenous Peoples. :1-8.
Fujita W.  2003.  Dealing with contradictions: Examining national forest reserves in Thailand. Southeast Asian Studies. 41(2):206-238.
Jackson C.  2003.  Gender analysis of land: beyond land rights for women? Journal of agrarian Change. 3(4):453-480.
Agarwal B.  2003.  Gender and Land Rights Revisited: Exploring New Prospects via the State, Family and Market. Journal of Agrarian Change. 3(1-2):184-224.
Scott S.  2003.  Gender, Household Headship and Entitlements to Land: New Vulnerabilities in Vietnam's Decollectivization. Gender, Technology and Development. 7:233-263.
Deininger K.  2003.  Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction. :i-xlvi,1-244.
Quy-Toan_Do _, Iyer L.  2003.  Land Rights and Economic Development: Evidence from Viet Nam. :1-28.
Vandergeest P.  2003.  Land to some tillers: development-induced displacement in Laos. International Social Science Journal. 175:47-56.
Sato J.  2003.  Public Land for the People: The Institutional Basis of Community Forestry in Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 34(2):329-346.
Thawnghmung A_M.  2003.  Rural perceptions of state legitimacy in Burma/Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 30(785022369):1-40.
Ribot JC, Peluso NL.  2003.  A Theory of Access. Rural Sociology. 68(2):153-181.
