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Kramp J, Suhardiman D, Keovilignavong O.  2020.  (Un)making the upland: resettlement, rubber and land use planning in Namai village, Laos. Journal of Peasant Studies. 49(1):1-23.
UN_General_Assembly _.  2018.  United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. International Organization. :1-17.
Anseeuw W, Baldinelli GMaria.  2020.  Uneven Ground. Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies. :1-76.
Dwyer MB, Sokphea Y.  2016.  Uneven Developments: Toward Inclusive Land Governance in Contemporary Cambodia. 2016(476):1-39.
Smith N.  2008.  Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space. :i-xix,1-324.
Kong R, Diepart J-C, Castella J-C, Lestrelin G, Tivet F, Belmain E, Bégué A.  2019.  Understanding the drivers of deforestation and agricultural transformations in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Applied Geography. 102:84-98.
Rao Y, Zhang J, Wang K, Rudbeck M.  2021.  Understanding land use volatility and agglomeration in northern Southeast Asia. Journal of Environmental Management. 278(Part 1):1-11.
Milne S.  2013.  Under the leopard's skin: Land commodification and the dilemmas of Indigenous communal title in upland Cambodia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):323-339.
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Brugman J.  2022.  Uncovering the individual/collective divide in planning responses to informal settlements as a structural cause of tenure insecurity in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. International Development Planning Review. 44(4):411-434.
Kachin_Development_Networking_Group(KDNG).  2010.  Tyrants, Tycoons and Tigers. :1-50.
Hoang-Anh_Ho _.  2020.  Tying peasants to their land: The rise and fall of private property rights in historical Vietnam. :1-48.
Cambodian_Human_Rights_and_Development_Association(ADHOC).  2013.  A Turning Point?: Land, Housing and Natural Resources Rights in Cambodia in 2012 :i-v,1-47.
Baird IG.  2011.  Turning Land into Capital, Turning People into Labor: Primitive Accumulation and the Arrival of Large-Scale Economic Land Concessions in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry. 5(1):10-26.
Kenney-Lazar M.  2021.  Turning land into capital? The expansion and extraction of value in Laos Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. :1-16.
Kenney-Lazar M, Dwyer M, Hett C.  2018.  Turning Land into Capital: Assessing A Decade of Policy in Practice. :i-v,1-35.
Neef A, Attavanich M, Kongpan P, Jongkraichak M.  2018.  Tsunami, tourism and threats to local livelihoods: The case of indigenous sea nomads in Southern Thailand. Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management. 19:141-164.
Dwyer MB.  2015.  Trying to follow the money: Possibilities and limits of investor transparency in Southeast Asia's rush for "available" land. :i-viii,1-60.
Güneralp B, Reba M, Hales BU, Wentz EA, Seto KC.  2020.  Trends in urban land expansion, density, and land transitions from 1970 to 2010: A global synthesis. Environmental Research Letters. 15(4):1-13.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2012.  Trends and Impacts of Foreign Investment in Developing Country Agriculture: Evidence from case studies. :i-xxxv,1-342.
Sikor T.  2012.  Tree plantations, politics of possession and the absence of land grabs in Vietnam. Journal Of Peasant Studies. 39(February 2015):1077-1101.
San Thein U, Pyae_Sone K, Diepart J-C.  2017.  Transparency Under Scrutiny: Information Disclosure by the Parliamentary Land Investigation Commission in Myanmar. :i-iii,1-10.
Swift P.  2015.  Transnationalization of Resistance to Economic Land Concessions in Cambodia. Land Grabbing, Conflict and Agrarian-Environmental Transformations: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia. (10):i-iii,1-21.
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