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Mahanty S, Milne S.  2016.  Anatomy of a boom: Cassava as a ‘gateway’ crop in Cambodia’s north eastern borderland. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 57(2):180-193.
Mark SS.  2016.  Are the Odds of Justice “Stacked” Against Them? Challenges and Opportunities for Securing Land Claims by Smallholder Farmers in Myanmar Critical Asian Studies. 48(3):443-460.
Cambodian_Center_for_Human_Rights _.  2016.  Cambodia's Women in Land Conflict. :i-iii,1-23.
Chambon B, Ruf F, Kongmanee C, Angthong S.  2016.  Can the cocoa cycle model explain the continuous growth of the rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) sector for more than a century in Thailand? Journal of Rural Studies. 44:187-197.
W. Green N, Baird IG.  2016.  Capitalizing on Compensation: Hydropower Resettlement and the Commodification and Decommodification of Nature–Society Relations in Southern Laos. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 106(4):853-873.
Friis C, Reenberg A, Heinimann A, Schönweger O.  2016.  Changing local land systems: Implications of a Chinese rubber plantation in Nambak District, Lao PDR. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 37(1):25-42.
Wells-Dang A, Pham_Quang_Tu _, Burke A.  2016.  Conversion of Land Use in Vietnam through a Political Economy Lens. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. 2(2):131-146.
Labbé D.  2016.  Critical reflections on land appropriation and alternative urbanization trajectories in periurban Vietnam. Cities. 53:150-155.
Hoang_Trieu_Huy _, Lyne M, Ratna N, Nuthall P.  2016.  Drivers of transaction costs affecting participation in the rental market for cropland in Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 60(3):476-492.
Souter NJ, Simpson V, Mould A, Eames JC, Gray TNE, Sinclair R, Farrell T, Jurgens JA, Billingsley A.  2016.  Editorial - Will the recent changes in protected area management and the creation of five new protected areas improve biodiversity conservation in Cambodia? Cambodian Journal of Natural History. (1):1-5.
Saswattecha K, Hein L, Kroeze C, Jawjit W.  2016.  Effects of oil palm expansion through direct and indirect land use change in Tapi river basin, Thailand. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 12(4):291-313.
Grimsditch M.  2016.  The “Engine of Economic Growth”: An Overview of Private Investment Policies, Trends, and Projects in Cambodia. :i,1-56.
Lette J.  2016.  Experience of Agribusiness Investment in Lao PDR. :1-18.
Vongvisouk T, Dwyer M.  2016.  Falling Rubber Prices in Northern Laos: Local Responses and Policy Options. :i-v,1-53.
Diepart J-C, Sem T.  2016.  Fragmented Territories: Incomplete Enclosures and Agrarian Change on the Agricultural Frontier of Samlaut District, North-West Cambodia. Journal of Agrarian Change. :1-22.
Pierce CJ, Nant_Thi_Thi_Oo _.  2016.  Gendered Aspects of Land Rights in Myanmar: Evidence from Paralegal Casework. :1-16.
Kane S., Gritten D., Sapkota L.M, Bui LThi, Dhiaulhaq A..  2016.  Getting the positives out of forest landscape conflicts. Unasylva. 67(247-248):45-51.
Boutthavong S, Hyakumura K, Ehara M, Fujiwara T.  2016.  Historical Changes of Land Tenure and Land Use Rights in a Local Community: A Case Study in Lao PDR. Land. 5(11):1-20.
Knudsen CMS, Mertz O.  2016.  Improved land tenure not the driver of economic development in a Vietnamese community. Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography. 116(1):82-84.
