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Environmental_Investigation_Agency(EIA).  2014.  Routes of Extinction: The corruption and violence destroying Siamese rosewood in the Mekong. :1-25.
To_Xuan_Phuc _, Tran_Huu_Nghi _.  2014.  Rubber Expansion and Forest Protection in Vietnam. :i-viii,1-44.
Fox JM, Castella JChristophe, Ziegler AD, Westley SB.  2014.  Rubber plantations expand in mountainous Southeast Asia: What are the consequences for the environment? Asia Pacific IssuesAsia Pacific Issues. (114):1-8.
Ferguson JM.  2014.  The scramble for the Waste Lands: Tracking colonial legacies, counterinsurgency and international investment through the lens of land laws in Burma/Myanmar. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 35(September 2012):295-311.
Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP), International_Work_Group_for_Indigenous_Affairs(IWGIA).  2014.  Shifting Cultivation, Livelihood and Food Security: New and Old Challenges for Indigenous Peoples in Asia. :1-11.
Phuc_Xuan_To _, Mahanty S, Dressler W.  2014.  Social Networks of Corruption in the Vietnamese and Lao Cross-Border Timber Trade. Anthropological Forum. 24(2):1-21.
Beban A, Work C.  2014.  The Spirits are Crying: Dispossessing Land and Possessing Bodies in Rural Cambodia. Antipode. 46(3):593-610.
Hickie S.  2014.  Stalled hope? The resource conflict risk to Myanmar’s political and economic transition :1-32.
Haggblade S, Boughton D, Cho KMar, Denning G, Kloeppinger-Todd R, Oo Z, Sandar TMin, Than TMaung, Wai N_E_M_A, Wilson S et al..  2014.  Strategic Choices Shaping Agricultural Performance and Food Security in Myanmar. Journal of International Affairs. 67(2):55-71.
Borras_Jr. SM, Franco JC, Isakson R, Levidow L, Vervest P.  2014.  Towards Understanding the Politics of Flex Crops and Commodities. Transnational Institute (TNI) Agrarian Justice Program. (1):1-16.
Saunders J.  2014.  Trade in Illegal Timber: The Response in Vietnam. :1-26.
Dhiaulhaq A, De_Bruyn T, Wiset K, Thaworn R, Gritten D, Yasmi Y, Kritsanarangsan S, Soontornwong S.  2014.  Transformative mediation, a tool for maximising the positives out of forest conflict: A case study from Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Forests Under Pressure - Local Respones to Global Issues. :285-297.
MercyCorps _.  2014.  Visibility Verus Vulnerability: understanding instability and opportunity in Myanmar. :1-18.
Oakland_Institute _.  2014.  The World Bank’s Bad Business in Lao PDR. (Ldc):2013-2015.
Transnational_Institute(TNI).  2013.  Access Denied: Land Rights and Ethnic Conflict in Burma - Burma Policy Briefing. (11):1-16.
OXFAM _.  2013.  Aggregated outcomes of the community consultation supporting the improvement of the draft amended Land Law - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. :1-8.
Woods K.  2013.  Agribusiness Investments in Myanmar: Opportunities and Challenges for Poverty Reduction. :1-115.
Colchester M, Chao S, Dallinger J, Toh SMei, Kiev C, Saptaningrum I, Ramirez M_A, Pulhin J.  2013.  Agribusiness Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Human Rights in Southeast Asia. (August):1-156.
Kloeppinger-Todd R, Sandar TMin.  2013.  Background Paper No. 3 - Rural Finance in Myanmar. :i-x,1-31.
Equitable_Cambodia(EC), Inclusive_Development_International(IDI).  2013.  BITTERSWEET HARVEST: A Human Rights Impact Assessment of the European Union's Everything but Arms Instiative in Cambodia. :i-v,1-100.
Displacement_Solutions _.  2013.  Bridging the HLP Gap: The Need to Effectively Address Housing, Land and Property Rights During Peace Negotiations and in the Context of Refugee/IDP Return - Preliminary Recommendations to the Government of Myanmar, Ethnic Actors and the International Comm. :1-50.
Dwyer MB.  2013.  Building the Politics Machine: Tools for ‘Resolving’ the Global Land Grab. Development and Change. 44(2):309-333.
Cambodian_Center_for_Human_Rights(CCHR).  2013.  Cambodia: Land in Conflict - An Overview of the Land Situation. (December):i-v,1-50.
Cambodian_NGO_Committee_on_CEDAW(NGO-CEDAW), Cambodian_Committee_for_Women(CAMBOW).  2013.  The Cambodian NGO Committee on CEDAW (NGO-CEDAW) Shadow Report. :1-13.
Cambodia_Development_Resource_Institute(CDRI).  2013.  Cambodia's Development Dynamics: Past Performance and Emerging Priorities. :i-xxii,1-131.
