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Gillespie J, Hualing F, Pham_Duy_Nghia _.  2014.  Land-Taking Disputes in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis and Implications for Vietnam. :1-60.
Kirk M, Nguyen_Do_Anh_Tuan _.  2009.  Land-Tenure Policy Reforms Decollectivization and the Doi Moi System in Vietnam. (November):i-v,1-35.
Hoang_Huu_Nguyen _, Dargusch P, Moss P, Aziz AAbdul.  2017.  Land-use change and socio-ecological drivers of wetland conversion in Ha Tien Plain, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 64:101-113.
Nguyen QH, Tran DD, Dang KK, Korbee D, Pham LDMH, Vu LT, Luu TT, Ho LH, Nguyen PT, Trang TT et al..  2020.  Land-use dynamics in the Mekong delta: From national policy to livelihood sustainability. Sustainable Development. 28(3):448-467.
Chau_Thi_Khank _.  2020.  Land-use rights of foreign-invested enterprises according to Vietnamese law. Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. 5(5):185-196.
Trisurat Y, Shirakawa H, Johnston JM.  2019.  Land-Use/Land-Cover Change from Socio-Economic Drivers and Their Impact on Biodiversity in Nan Province, Thailand. Sustainability. 11(3):1-22.
Silalertruksa T, Gheewala SH.  2018.  Land-water-energy nexus of sugarcane production in Thailand. Journal of Cleaner Production. 182:521-528.
Cole R, Rigg J.  2019.  Lao peasants on the move: Pathways of agrarian change in Laos. Australian Journal of Anthropology. 30(2):160-180.
Evans G.  1990.  Lao peasants under socialism and post-socialism. :268.
Manushya_Foundation _, Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP).  2019.  Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Joint Submission to the UN Universal Period Review 35th Session of the UPR Working Group. :1-18.
Smith H, Kanowski P, Keenan RJ, Phimmavong S.  2021.  Lao Plantation Policy: Prospects for Change. Forests. 12(8):1-23.
Barney K.  2009.  Laos and the making of a 'relational' resource frontier. Geographical Journal. 175(2):146-159.
Scheidel A, Work C.  2016.  Large-scale forest plantations for climate change mitigation? New frontiers of deforestation and land grabbing in Cambodia Global governance/politics, climate justice & agrarian/social justice: linkages and challenges. (11):i-iii,1-13.
Kuhn A.  2018.  Large-scale land acquisitions and violence in post-war societies. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal. 3(1):98-115.
Gironde C, Golay C, Messerli P.  2016.  Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia. :i-xx,1-300.
U_San_Thein _, Diepart J-C, U_Hlwan_Moe _, Allaverdian C.  2018.  Large-Scale Land Acquisitions for Agricultural Development in Myanmar: A Review of Past and Current Processes. (9):i-vi,72.
Thiel F.  2009.  Law for State Land Management in Cambodia. Spatial Data Serving People: Land Governance and the Environment – Building the Capacity. (October):1-16.
Crouch M.  2014.  The Layers of Legal Development in Myanmar. Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar. :1-37.
Diepart J-C, Doch S, Hak S, Ham K, Heng C, Heng K, Jones RW, Kim N, Kim S, Kleinpeter V et al..  2015.  Learning for Resilience: Insights from Cambodia's Rural Communities. :i-xvi,1-272.
Gillespie J.  2016.  A legal geography of property, tenure, exclusion, and rights in Cambodia: exposing an incongruous property narrative for non-Western settings. Geographical Research. 54(3):256-266.
Veršinskas T, Vidar M, Hartvigsen M, Arsova KMitic, Van_Holst F, Gorgan M.  2020.  Legal guide on land consolidation: Based on regulatory practices in Europe. Legal guide on land consolidation. :i-xvi,1-176.
Baaz M, Lilja M, Östlund A.  2017.  Legal pluralism, gendered discourses, and hybridity in land-titling practices in Cambodia. Journal of Law and Society. 44(2):200-227.
Oberndorf RB.  2012.  Legal Review of Recently Enacted Farmland Law and Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Lands Management Law: Improving the Legal & Policy Frameworks Relating to Land Management in Myanmar. :i-vi,1-35.
Ramsay JAnsil.  1982.  The Limits of Land Reform in Thailand. The Journal of Developing Areas. 16(2):173-196.
Sikor T, Müller D.  2009.  The Limits of State-Led Land Reform: An Introduction. World Development. 37(8):1307-1316.
