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Loft L, Gehrig S, Dung_Ngoc_Le _, Rommel J.  2019.  Effectiveness and equity of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Real-effort experiments with Vietnamese land users. Land Use Policy. 86:218-228.
Lam_Minh_Chau _.  2019.  “Extremely Rightful” Resistance: Land Appropriation and Rural Agitation in Contemporary Vietnam. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49(3):343-364.
Quang_Nguyen _, Kim D-C.  2019.  Farmers’ landholding strategy in urban fringe areas: A case study of a transitional commune near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 83:95-104.
Barney K, Van_der_Meer_Simo A.  2019.  Forest-Land Commons in Laos in the Twenty-First Century: Agrarian Capitalism and the 'Non-Commodified Subsistence Guarantee’. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia. 25:1-6.
Temper L.  2019.  From boomerangs to minefields and catapults: dynamics of trans-local resistance to land-grabs. Journal of Peasant Studies. 46(1):188-216.
Bourdier F.  2019.  From Confrontation to Mediation: Cambodian Farmers Expelled by a Vietnamese Company. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):55-76.
Phuc_To _, Mahanty S, Wells-Dang A.  2019.  From "Land to the Tiller" to the "New Landlords"? The Debate over Vietnam's Latest Land Reforms Land. 8(8):1-19.
W. Green N.  2019.  From rice fields to financial assets: Valuing land for microfinance in Cambodia. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 44(4):749-762.
Debonne N, van Vliet J, Verburg P.  2019.  Future governance options for large-scale land acquisition in Cambodia: Impacts on tree cover and tiger landscapes. Environmental Science and Policy. 94:9-19.
Lambrecht I, Mahrt K.  2019.  Gender and Assets in Rural Myanmar: A Cautionary Tale for the Analyst. (IFPRI Discussion Paper 1894):i-iii,1-25.
Okpara UT, Stringer LC, Akhtar-Schuster M.  2019.  Gender and land degradation neutrality: A cross-country analysis to support more equitable practices. Land Degradation and Development. 30(11):1368-1378.
Lu J, Schönweger O.  2019.  Great expectations: Chinese investment in Laos and the myth of empty land. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):61-78.
Woods KM.  2019.  Green Territoriality: Conservation as State Territorialization in a Resource Frontier. Human Ecology. 47:217-232.
Franco JC, Borras_Jr. SM.  2019.  Grey areas in green grabbing: subtle and indirect interconnections between climate change politics and land grabs and their implications for research. Land Use Policy. 84:192-199.
Elkharouf O, Pritchard B.  2019.  How do grassroot NGOs in rural Myanmar express their visions for the food system? Food security and food sovereignty as entangled narratives within NGO struggles and strategies Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 60(3):402-415.
Hua X, Kono Y, Zhang L, Xu E, Luo R.  2019.  How transnational labor migration affects upland land use practices in the receiving country: Findings from the China-Myanmar borderland. Land Use Policy. 84(February):163-176.
Dunford MR.  2019.  Indigeneity, ethnopolitics, and taingyinthar: Myanmar and the global Indigenous Peoples' movement. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 50(1):51-67.
Chung P, Chung M.  2019.  Indigenous Data Sovereignty in the Mekong Region. 2019 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-25.
De_Alban JDon T, Prescott GW, Woods KM, Jamaludin J, Kyaw_Thinn_Latt _, Cheng_Ling_Lim _, Aye_Chan_Maung _, Webb EL.  2019.  Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(4):1-23.
Beauchamp E, Clements T, Milner-Gulland E.J.  2019.  Investigating Perceptions of Land Issues in a Threatened Landscape in Northern Cambodia. Sustainability. 11(21):1-20.
Phongsiri M.  2019.  Land Conflict and Land Governance in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region: Case Studies of Urban and Peri-urban in Thailand. Journal of Mekong Societies. 15(1):87-110.
Tuyen_Quang_Tran _, Huong_Van_Vu _.  2019.  Land fragmentation and household income: First evidence from rural Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 89:1-8.
Baird IG, Noseworthy W, Nghiem_Phuong_Tuyen _, Le_Thu_Ha _, Fox J.  2019.  Land grabs and labour: Vietnamese workers on rubber plantations in southern Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 40(1):50-70.
Cuong_Van_Hoang _, Tuyen_Quang_Tran -, Yen_Hai_Thi_Nguyen _, Kien_Duc_Nguyen _.  2019.  Is Land Ownership a Key Factor in the Choice of Livelihood in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam? Human Ecology. 47:681-691.
MRLG _.  2019.  Land Tenure Security in '70 Percent Forestland Policy' of the Lao PDR. (Discussion Note Series #6):1-4.
