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Marschke M, Rousseau J-F, Beckwith L, Van Arragon L.  2021.  Displaced Sand, Displaced People: Examining the Livelihood Impacts of Sand Mining in Cambodia. Research Papers. (205):1-24.
Durable_Peace_Programme(DPP).  2018.  Displaced and Dispossessed: Conflict-affected communities and their land of origin in Kachin State, Myanmar. :1-32.
Bauernschuster S, Pichler M, Ingalls M, Thongmanivong S, Gingrich S.  2022.  Discursive and biophysical dimensions of land sparing policies in Laos: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions and food security. Land Use Policy. 120(June):106293.
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Hirsch P.  1990.  Development Dilemmas in Rural Thailand. :1-258.
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Diepart J-C.  2008.  Developing a Spatial Planning Framework for Sustainable Land and Natural Resources Management. A Perspective from Battambang Province, Cambodia. :1-12.
Tran_Nhat_Lam_Duyen _, Nguyen_Dinh_Tien _, Nong_Nguyen_Khanh_Ngoc _, Pham_Thu_Thuy _, Vu_Van_Tich _.  2022.  Determinants of swidden communities’ land-use decision-making for different crops in Son La and Nghe An provinces, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 119:106190.
United_Nations_Human_Rights_Council_(NHCR) _.  2019.  Detailed findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar. (A/HRC/42/CRP .5):1-190.
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Baird IG.  2014.  Degraded forest, degraded land and the development of industrial tree plantations in Laos. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 35(3):328-344.
Hayward D, Diepart J‐C.  2021.  Deforestation in Cambodia: A story of land concessions, migration and resource exploitation. :1-24.
Global_Witness _.  2020.  Defending Tomorrow: The climate crisis and threats against land and environmental defenders. :1-52.
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Traldi R, Silva JA, Potapov P, Tyukavina A, Epprecht M, Gore ML, Phompila C.  2023.  Cultivating inequality? Regional rubber dynamics and implications for voluntary sustainability programs in Lao PDR World Development. 170:106312.
Trædal LTore, Vedeld P.  2018.  Cultivating forests: The role of forest land in household livelihood adaptive strategies in the Bac Kan Province of northern Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 73:249-258.
