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Magliocca NR, Quy_Van_Khuc _, Ellicott EA, de Bremond A.  2019.  Archetypical pathways of direct and indirect land-use change caused by Cambodia’s economic land concessions. Ecology and Society. 24(2)
Gritten D, Lewis SRose, Breukink G, Mo K, Dang_Thi_Thu_Thuy _, Delattre E.  2019.  Assessing forest governance in the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion. Forests. 10(1):1-16.
Gritten D, Lewis SRose, Breukink G, Mo K, Dang_Thi_Thu_Thuy _, Delattre E.  2019.  Assessing forest governance in the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion. Forests. 10(1):1-16.
Verburg PH, Alexander P, Evans T, Magliocca NR, Malek Z, DA Rounsevell M, van Vliet J.  2019.  Beyond land cover change: towards a new generation of land use models. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 38:77-85.
Loft L, Gehrig S, Dung_Ngoc_Le _, Rommel J.  2019.  Effectiveness and equity of Payments for Ecosystem Services: Real-effort experiments with Vietnamese land users. Land Use Policy. 86:218-228.
Debonne N, van Vliet J, Verburg P.  2019.  Future governance options for large-scale land acquisition in Cambodia: Impacts on tree cover and tiger landscapes. Environmental Science and Policy. 94:9-19.
Dunford MR.  2019.  Indigeneity, ethnopolitics, and taingyinthar: Myanmar and the global Indigenous Peoples' movement. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 50(1):51-67.
De_Alban JDon T, Prescott GW, Woods KM, Jamaludin J, Kyaw_Thinn_Latt _, Cheng_Ling_Lim _, Aye_Chan_Maung _, Webb EL.  2019.  Integrating Analytical Frameworks to Investigate Land-Cover Regime Shifts in Dynamic Landscapes. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(4):1-23.
Dwyer M, Vongvisouk T.  2019.  The long land grab: market-assisted enclosure on the China-Lao rubber frontier. Territory, Politics, Governance. 7(1):96-114.
Miller F, Dun O.  2019.  Resettlement and the environment in Vietnam: Implications for climate change adaptation planning. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 60(2):132-147.
Phuc_To _, Dressler W.  2019.  Rethinking 'Success’: The politics of payment for forest ecosystem services in Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 81:582-593.
Frame M.  2019.  The Role of the Semi-Periphery in Ecologically Unequal Exchange: A Case Study of Land Investments in Cambodia. Ecologically Unequal Exchange: Environmental Injustice in Comparative and Historical Perspective. :75-106.
Diepart J-C, Ngin C, Oeur I.  2019.  Struggles for Life: Smallholder Farmers’ Resistance and State Land Relations in Contemporary Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):10-32.
Hepp CM, Bruun TBech, de Neergaard A.  2019.  Transitioning towards commercial upland agriculture: A comparative study in Northern Lao PDR. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences. 88:57-65.
Kong R, Diepart J-C, Castella J-C, Lestrelin G, Tivet F, Belmain E, Bégué A.  2019.  Understanding the drivers of deforestation and agricultural transformations in the Northwestern uplands of Cambodia. Applied Geography. 102:84-98.
