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Beyond the boom-bust cycle: An interdisciplinary framework for analysing crop booms. Global Environmental Change. 80:102651Contents.
2023. Green territoriality and resource extraction in Cambodia. Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing. :159-172.
2023. From "Land to the Tiller" to the "New Landlords"? The Debate over Vietnam's Latest Land Reforms Land. 8(8):1-19.
2019. Shadow Economies and the State: A Comparison of Cassava and Timber Networks on the Cambodia-Vietnam Frontier. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 49(2):193-215.
2019. Contingent Sovereignty: Cross-Border Rentals in the Cambodia–Vietnam Borderland. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 108(3):829-844.
2018. Anatomy of a boom: Cassava as a ‘gateway’ crop in Cambodia’s north eastern borderland. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 57(2):180-193.
2016. 'A new landlord'? Community, land conflict and State Forest Companies (SFCs) in Vietnam Forest Policy and Economics. 58:21-28.
2015. ‘A new landlord’ (địa chủ mới)? Community, land conflict and State Forest Companies (SFCs) in Vietnam Forest Policy and Economics. :1-8.
2014. Social Networks of Corruption in the Vietnamese and Lao Cross-Border Timber Trade. Anthropological Forum. 24(2):1-21.
2014. Unravelling property relations around forest carbon. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 34(2):188-205.