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Markussen T, Tarp F, Newman C.  2013.  Characteristics of the Vietnamese Rural Economy: Evidence from a 2012 Rural Household Survey in 12 Provinces of Vietnam. Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM), Hanoi. :1-349.
Sturgeon JC, Menzies NK, Lagerqvist YFujita, Thomas D, Ekasingh B, Lebel L, Phanvilay K, Thongmanivong S.  2013.  Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
Sikor T, Auld G, Bebbington AJ, Benjaminsen TA, Gentry BS, Hunsberger C, Izac A-M, Margulis ME, Plieninger T, Schroeder H et al..  2013.  Global land governance: From territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 5(5):522-527.
Menon N, Rodgers Y, Kennedy A.  2013.  Land Reform and Welfare in Vietnam: Why Gender of the Land-Rights Holder Matters. :1-44.
Muller F-V.  2013.  Land Rights Programme. :2.
Chantavanich S, Middleton C, Michiko I.  2013.  On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN. :i-xvi,1-237.
Chantavanich S, Middleton C, Michiko I.  2013.  On the Move: Critical Migration Themes in ASEAN. :i-xvi,1-237.
Muller F-V, Zülsdorf G.  2013.  Old Policies – New Action: A Surprising Political Initiative to Recognize Human Rights in the Cambodian Land Reform. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2013. :1-17.
Labbe D., Musil C..  2013.  Periurban Land Redevelopment in Vietnam under Market Socialism. Urban Studies. 51(May):1146-1161.
Michigan_State_University(MSU), Myanmar_Development_Resource_Institutes_Center_for_Economic_and_Social_Development(MDRI/CESD).  2013.  A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar. :1-96.
Michigan_State_University(MSU), Myanmar_Development_Resource_Institutes_Center_for_Economic_and_Social_Development(MDRI/CESD).  2013.  A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar. :1-96.
Lastarria-Cornheil S, Lamb T, Ragasa C, Mackedon J, Saxen A.  2013.  Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Related Issues in Land Policy and Administration Projects. Project Appraisal. :1-4.
Meyfroidt P, Vu_Tan_Phuong _, Hoang_Viet_Anh _.  2013.  Trajectories of deforestation, coffee expansion and displacement of shifting cultivation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Global Environmental Change. 23(5):1187-1198.
Milne S.  2013.  Under the leopard's skin: Land commodification and the dilemmas of Indigenous communal title in upland Cambodia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):323-339.
Mahanty S, Dressler W, Milne S, Filer C.  2013.  Unravelling property relations around forest carbon. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 34(2):188-205.
Mahanty S, Dressler W, Milne S, Filer C.  2013.  Unravelling property relations around forest carbon. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 34(2):188-205.
