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Grimsditch M, Leakhana K, Sherchan D.  2012.  Access to Land Title in Cambodia: A Study of Systematic Land Registration in Three Cambodian Provinces and the Capital. (November):i-xii,1-163.
Sun Y.  2012.  China and the Changing Myanmar. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 31(4):51-77.
Schönweger O, Heinimann A, Epprecht M, Lu J, Thalongsengchanh P.  2012.  Concessions and Leases in the Lao PDR: Taking stock of land investments. :1-87.
Sothath N, Sophal C, Cambodian_Economic_Association(CEA).  2012.  Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities. (February):i-vii,1-63.
Sothath N, Sophal C, Cambodian_Economic_Association(CEA).  2012.  Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities. (February):i-vii,1-63.
Saing C_H, Hem S, Ouch C, Phann D, Pon D.  2012.  Foreign Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia. International Economic Cooperation. :1-20.
Socheth H.  2012.  Foreign Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia: A survey of recent trends. (December 2012):i-iii,1-15.
Fairhead J, Leach M, Scoones I.  2012.  Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of nature? The Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(2):237-261.
Deininger K, Selod H, Burns A.  2012.  The Land Governance Assessment Framework: Identifying and Monitoring Good Practice in the Land Sector. :i-xvi,1-147.
White B, Borras_Jr. SM, Hall R, Scoones I, Wolford W.  2012.  The new enclosures: Critical perspectives on corporate land deals. Journal of Peasant Studies. 39(3-4):619-647.
Sikor T, Sidel M, Tai H-THo.  2012.  Property, State and Society in Vietnam. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 10(10):5.
Sikor T, Sidel M, Tai H-THo.  2012.  Property, State and Society in Vietnam. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 10(10):5.
Subedi SP.  2012.  Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia ADDENDUM: A human rights analysis of economic and other land concessions in Cambodia. (A/HRC/21/63/Add.1/Rev.1 (October)):1-130.
Adler D, Sokbunthoeun S.  2012.  Toward Equity in Development When the Law Is Not the Law: Reflections on Legal Pluralism in Practice. Legal Pluralism and Development Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue. :83-92.
Adler D, Sokbunthoeun S.  2012.  Toward Equity in Development When the Law Is Not the Law: Reflections on Legal Pluralism in Practice. Legal Pluralism and Development Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue. :83-92.
Sikor T.  2012.  Tree plantations, politics of possession and the absence of land grabs in Vietnam. Journal Of Peasant Studies. 39(February 2015):1077-1101.
Springer S.  2011.  Articulated neoliberalism: The specificity of patronage, kleptocracy, and violence in Cambodia's neoliberalization. Environment and Planning A. 43:2554-2570.
Tong K, Sry B.  2011.  Poverty and Environment Links: The Case of Rural Cambodia. (November):i-ix,1-30.
Sikor T, Tan NQuang.  2011.  Realizing Forest Rights in Vietnam: Addressing Issues in Community Forest Management. Realizing Forest Rights in Vietnam: Addressing Issues in Community Forest Management. :i-vi,1-59.
Deininger K, Byerlee D, Lindsay J, Norton A, Selod H, Stickler M.  2011.  Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? :i-xlvi,1-218.
Deininger K, Byerlee D, Lindsay J, Norton A, Selod H, Stickler M.  2011.  Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can it Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? :i-xlvi,1-218.
Saracini N, Asbirk S, Sørensen MLund, Haakansson M, Ulmer K.  2011.  Stolen Land Stolen Future: A Report on Land Grabbing in Cambodia. :1-23.
Saracini N, Asbirk S, Sørensen MLund, Haakansson M, Ulmer K.  2011.  Stolen Land Stolen Future: A Report on Land Grabbing in Cambodia. :1-23.
Fisher R.  2011.  Thailand's Forest Regulatory Framework in Relation to the Rights and Livelihoods of Forest Dependent People. Critical Review of Selected Forest-Related Regulatory Initiatives: Applying a Rights Perspective. :69-81.
Tong K, Hem S, Santos P.  2011.  What Limits Agricultural Intensification in Cambodia? The Role of Emigration, Agricultural Extension Services and Credit Constraints (56):i-vii,1-24.
