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Economic Reforms and Agricultural Development in Myanmar. Asean Economic Bulletin. 15(1):59-76.
1998. .
The economics of land fragmentation in the north of Vietnam. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 51:195-211.
2007. The effects of land tenure policy on rural livelihoods and food sufficiency in the upland village of Que, North Central Vietnam. Agricultural Systems. 94:309-319.
2007. .
Everyday politics in peasant societies (and ours). Journal of Peasant Studies. 36(1):227-243.
2009. .
Exploring the Limits of the Judicialization of Urban Land Disputes in Vietnam. Law and Society Review. 45(2):241-276.
2011. Economic Land Concessions and Local Communities. (February):i-vii,1-63.
2012. The Effects of Rural Land Right Security on Labour Structural Transformation and Urbanization: Evidence from Thailand. World Institute for Development Economics Research, United Nations University. :1-37.
2012. Enclaves of Improvement: Sovereignty and Developmentalism in the Special Zones of the China-Lao Borderlands. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 54(03):533-562.
2012. The emerging role of property rights in land and housing disputes in Hanoi. State, Society and the Market in Contemporary Vietnam: Property, Power and Values. :103-137.
2013. Enclosing Ethnic Minorities and Forests in the Golden Economic Quadrangle. Development and Change. 44(1):53-79.
2013. Expansion of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in Mainland Southeast Asia: what are the prospects for smallholders? The Journal of Peasant Studies. 40(1):155-170.
2013. .
Enhancing Agricultural Productivity of CLMV Countries: Challenges and Agenda for Reforms. ADBI Working Paper Series. (542):1-26.
2015. Ethnic Conflict and Lands Rights in Myanmar. Social Research: An International Quarterly. 82(2):355-374.
2015. Editorial - Will the recent changes in protected area management and the creation of five new protected areas improve biodiversity conservation in Cambodia? Cambodian Journal of Natural History. (1):1-5.
2016. Effects of oil palm expansion through direct and indirect land use change in Tapi river basin, Thailand. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 12(4):291-313.
2016. .
2016. .
2016. “Everything We Do Is Democracy”: Women and Youth in Land Rights Social Mobilization in Cambodia. Journal of Mason Graduate Research. 5(1):1-16.
2017. Emerging livelihood vulnerabilities in an urbanizing and climate uncertain environment for the case of a secondary city in Thailand. Sustainability (Switzerland). 10(5):1-22.
2018. Exploring trade-offs between development and conservation outcomes in Northern Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 71:431-444.
2018. .