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Vansintjan A, Nguyen_Hong_Van _, Le_Quynh_Chi _, Nguyen_Thanh_Tu _.  2019.  Adaptation strategies used by low-income residents affected by land use changes in Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering (STCE) - NUCE. 13(1):78-88.
Yang R, Luo Y, Yang K, Hong L, Zhou X.  2019.  Analysis of Forest Deforestation and its Driving Factors in Myanmar from 1988 to 2017. Sustainability (Switzerland). 11(11):1-15.
Magliocca NR, Quy_Van_Khuc _, Ellicott EA, de Bremond A.  2019.  Archetypical pathways of direct and indirect land-use change caused by Cambodia’s economic land concessions. Ecology and Society. 24(2)
Thompson E, Gillen J, Rigg J.  2019.  Asian Smallholders in Comparative Perspective. :1-354.
Gritten D, Lewis SRose, Breukink G, Mo K, Dang_Thi_Thu_Thuy _, Delattre E.  2019.  Assessing forest governance in the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion. Forests. 10(1):1-16.
Po S, Heng K.  2019.  Assessing the Impacts of Chinese Investments in Cambodia: The Case of Preah Sihanoukville Province. China-Cambodia Relations Pacific Forum. 19:i-iii,1-19.
Verburg PH, Alexander P, Evans T, Magliocca NR, Malek Z, DA Rounsevell M, van Vliet J.  2019.  Beyond land cover change: towards a new generation of land use models. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 38:77-85.
Flower BCR.  2019.  Built on Solid Foundations? Assessing the Links between City-Scale Land Titling, Tenure Security and Housing Investment Planning Theory and Practice. 20(3):358-375.
Arvola A, Anttila J-P, Hogarth N.  2019.  By accident or by design? Influence of government policies on drivers and barriers of smallholder teak growing in Lao PDR Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 28(1):34-51.
Hu F, Zhang X, Hu M, Cook DLee.  2019.  Chinese Enterprises' Investment in Infrastructure Construction in Cambodia. Asian Perspective. 43(1):177-207.
Tan_Phong_Nguyen _, Parnell KE.  2019.  Coastal land use planning in Ben Tre, Vietnam: constraints and recommendations. Heliyon. 5(4):1-21.
Elliott S, Chairuangsri S, Kuaraksa C, Sangkum S, Sinhaseni K, Shannon D, Nippanon P, Manohan B.  2019.  Collaboration and Conflict: Developing Forest Restoration Techniques for Northern Thailand's Upper Watersheds Whilst Meeting the Needs of Science and Communities. Forests. 10(9):1-16.
Cambodian_League_for_the_Promotion_and_Defense_of_Human_Rights(LICADHO), Sahkmakum_Teang_Tnaut(STT).  2019.  Collateral Damage: Land loss and abuses in Cambodia’s microfinance sector. :i-iv,1-26.
Suhardiman D, Kenney-Lazar M, Meinzen-dick R.  2019.  The contested terrain of land governance reform in Myanmar. Critical Asian Studies. 51(3):368-385.
Hennings A.  2019.  The dark underbelly of land struggles: the instrumentalization of female activism and emotional resistance in Cambodia. Critical Asian Studies. 51(1):103-119.
Government_of_LaoPDR _.  2019.  Decree of the President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the Promulgation of the Amended Land Law. Lao Official Gazette. :i,1-64.
United_Nations_Human_Rights_Council_(NHCR) _.  2019.  Detailed findings of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar. (A/HRC/42/CRP .5):1-190.
Aye_Sandar_Phyo _, Grunbuhel CM, Williams L, Soe_Soe_Htway _.  2019.  Does Selective Mechanisation Make up for Labour Shortages in Rural Myanmar? IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. :1-13.
Wang J, Sui L, Yang X, Wang Z, Ge D, Kang J, Yang F, Liu Y, Liu B.  2019.  Economic Globalization Impacts on the Ecological Environment of Inland Developing Countries: A Case Study of Laos from the Perspective of the Land Use/Cover Change. Sustainability. 11(14):1-21.
