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United_States_Agency_for_International_Development(USAID).  2011.  USAID Country Profile: Property Rights and Resource Governance - Lao PDR. :1-43.
United_States_Agency_for_International_Development(USAID).  2011.  USAID Country Profile: Property Rights and Resource Governance - Thailand. :1-27.
Dhiaulhaq A, De Bruyn T, Gritten D.  2015.  The use and effectiveness of mediation in forest and land conflict transformation in Southeast Asia: Case studies from Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. Environmental Science and Policy. 45:132-145.
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Stanford J, Franjic A-marie, Abbott P.  2006.  Vietnam Land Administration Project. (May):1-19.
Tran_Nhu_Trung_ _, Anh_Kiet_Dao _, Hyde I, Dang_Hung_Vo _.  2006.  Vietnam Land Registration from Terminology to the Practice. TS 39 – Land Administration Organizations and the Futures. :1-15.
OXFAM _, Pan_Nature _.  2016.  Vietnamese Agricultural Investment in Cambodia and Laos: Benefits, Impacts and Challenges. :1-40.
MercyCorps _.  2014.  Visibility Verus Vulnerability: understanding instability and opportunity in Myanmar. :1-18.
Lundsgaard-hansen LM, Cing_Don_Nuam _, Nydegger K, Nwe_Nwe_Tun _, Aung_Myin_Tun _, Win_Myint _, Schneider F.  2018.  Voices of Land from Southern Myanmar: Ein Da Rar Zar – A Karen Village in Yebyu Township about Land Use Change and Wellbeing. :1-30.
Food_and_Agriculture_Organization_of_the_United_Nations(FAO).  2012.  Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. :i-vi,1-40.
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Sarma J, Rippa A, Dean K.  2023.  ‘We don’t eat those bananas’: Chinese plantation expansions and bordering on the Northern Myanmar's Kachin borderlands. Eurasian Geography and Economics. :1-27.
Schoenberger L, Hall D, Vandergeest P.  2017.  What happened when the land grab came to Southeast Asia? Journal of Peasant Studies. 44(4):697-725.
Vuola M, Korkeakoski M, Vähäkari N, Dwyer MB, Hogarth NJ, Kaivo-oja J, Luukkanen J, Chea E, Thuon T, Phonhalath K.  2020.  What is a Green Economy? Review of National-Level Green Economy Policies in Cambodia and Lao PDR Sustainability. 12(16):1-20.
Tong K, Hem S, Santos P.  2011.  What Limits Agricultural Intensification in Cambodia? The Role of Emigration, Agricultural Extension Services and Credit Constraints (56):i-vii,1-24.
Schneider A.  2011.  What shall we do without our land? Land Grabs and Resistance in Rural Cambodia International Conference on Global Land Grabbing. (6-8 April):1-35.
Williams S.  1999.  Where Has All the Land Gone? Land Rights and Access in Cambodia - Volume 1: Review of Land Issues Literature and Property Law :153.
Kato E.  1999.  Where Has All the Land Gone? Land Rights and Access in Cambodia - Volume 2: Case Studies :1-109.
Leemann E.  2021.  Who is the community? Governing territory through the making of ‘indigenous communities’ in Cambodia Geoforum. 119:238-250.
Lundsgaard-Hansen LM, Schneider F, Zaehringer JG, Oberlack C, Win_Myint _, Messerli P.  2018.  Whose agency counts in land use decision-making in Myanmar? A comparative analysis of three cases in Tanintharyi Region Sustainability (Switzerland). 10(10):1-30.
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Guttal S.  2011.  Whose Lands? Whose Resources? Development. 54(1):91-97.
Shigetomi S.  2021.  Why Did They Rise Up? The Local Reality of the Farmers’ Movement in 1970s Thailand Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia. 36(1):68-97.
Sikor T, Nguyen TQuang.  2007.  Why May Forest Devolution Not Benefit the Rural Poor? Forest Entitlements in Vietnam's Central Highlands World Development. 35(11):2010-2025.
Somphongbouthakanh P, Schenk-Sandbergen L.  2020.  Women and Land Rights in Lao PDR: Rural Transformation and a Dream of Secure Land Tenure. :i-iii,1-47.
