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Struggles for Life: Smallholder Farmers’ Resistance and State Land Relations in Contemporary Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. 38(1):10-32.
2019. Housing, Land and Property Rights and Peace Agreements: Guidance for the Myanmar Peace Process. :1-31.
2018. .
2013. ‘Nothing about us, without us’: reflections on the challenges of building Land in Our Hands, a national land network in Myanmar/Burma. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):497-516.
2021. Ill Fares the Land: Reparations for Housing, Land, and Property Rights Violations in Myanmar. Harvard Human Rights Journal. 30:129-164.
2017. .
2016. Frontier Capitalism and Politics of Dispossession in Myanmar: The Case of the Mwetaung (Gullu Mual) Nickel Mine in Chin State. Austrian Journal of South East Asia. 11(1):13-34.
2018. Environmentalisms in Twenty-First Century Thailand: Continuities, Discontinuities, and Emerging Trajectories. Journal of Contemporary Asia. 53(3):375-397.
2023. Right to Relief: Indebted land communities speak out. :i-iv,1-38.
2021. Reinvigorating resilience: violence against women, land rights, and the women's peace movement in Myanmar. Gender and Development. 23(3):463-479.
2015. .
2013. .
2012. Land And Peace In Myanmar: Two Sides Of The Same Coin. Right To Food And Nutrition Watch. :62-64.
2016. Exploring the Limits of the Judicialization of Urban Land Disputes in Vietnam. Law and Society Review. 45(2):241-276.
2011. Land Law Subsystems? Urban Vietnam as a case study Pacific Rim Law & Policy. 7(3):555-610.
1998. .
2014. The emerging role of property rights in land and housing disputes in Hanoi. State, Society and the Market in Contemporary Vietnam: Property, Power and Values. :103-137.
2013. Emancipatory agroecologies: social and political principles. Journal of Peasant Studies. 50(3):820-850.
2023. Large-Scale Land Acquisitions: Focus on South-East Asia. :i-xx,1-300.
2016. .
2015. The Cost of Luxury: Cambodia’s illegal trade in precious wood with China. (February):1-32.
2015. .
2020. .
2019. Access to Land Title in Cambodia: A Study of Systematic Land Registration in Three Cambodian Provinces and the Capital. (November):i-xii,1-163.
2012. Land and Natural Resource Alienation in Cambodia Land Tenure and Ownership. Development. 4(November 2004):1-18.